Barren Fork Crossing

Barren Fork Crossing

It was a rainy day in north Arkansas when we set out to shoot some drone video. We were alert for the weather as we made our way to the Barren Fork Crossing. It began misting rain during the drive. I was beginning to think the weather would make us abort this trip. However, just…Read more

Diamond Hills Country Club

diamond hills country club

If you are looking for a gem in the heart of the Ozarks, then Diamond Hills Country Club is just what you are looking for. Diamond Hills Country Club is located in Diamond City, Arkansas. It is mere minutes from Bull Shoals Lake and offers all the amenities of a full-service club and golf course….Read more

Storm Chase 8/27/19

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Storm Chase 8/27/19-While looking at the radar last night it was apparent that a line of strong storms would be moving into my area a little after midnight from the northwest. As many of you know I have been fascinated by thunderstorms for many years now. This was another chance to observe a strong thunderstorm…Read more

Meteorite Hunt In The Ozarks

meteorite hunt

On August 12, 2019, I had the good fortune to be a part of a meteorite hunt in southwest Missouri with professional meteorite hunter Steve Arnold. Some of you may remember Steve from his television show “Meteorite Men“. In this article, I’ll give you a little bit of science background, and then we’ll look at…Read more

Roaring River State Park Missouri

roaring river cover image

Roaring River State Park is a Missouri state park with lots of activities for the whole family. We took the drive over to the park to see what it has to offer. Read on to find out about the park and see some photos we took on our visit. Accommodations It doesn’t matter whether you…Read more

Geocaching in the Ozarks

Geocaching find

Geocaching is a fun outdoor activity for the whole family. If you are familiar with geocaching then you know how much fun it can be. If you aren’t then read on and we’ll explore the activity of geocaching and how much fun it can be for the whole family. Geocaching is the modern-day equivalent of…Read more

Independence Day In The Ozarks

Independence Day In The Ozarks

All across this great country people were celebrating Independence Day yesterday. It was a day to be with family and friends to celebrate the United States. This should be one day of the year when we can put aside any political differences and be Americans. It sure seemed to me to be that way as…Read more