Hiking Videos 1

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Welcome to the Lost in the Ozarks listing of our hiking videos! Here, you’ll find various hiking videos showcasing the beauty and challenge of hiking in this rugged terrain. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a beginner looking to explore, our videos offer an immersive instructional experience that will leave you feeling inspired and empowered. From the lush forests to the rocky cliffs, our videos capture the beauty and challenges of hiking the Ozarks, taking you on a journey that will leave you wanting more. Choose any hiking video to explore So sit back, relax, and get ready to embark on a hiking adventure like no other with Lost in the Ozarks!

Use the links below each video to visit an article with more information on the hike. The videos contain tips, information, and GPS route files you can download.

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Discover the Beauty of the Leatherwood Wilderness! Join us as we hike to uncover the Hidden Waterfalls of the Ozark National Forest in Arkansas.
If you’re looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, then Adkins Canyon Falls is a must-visit destination. One of our most challenging hiking videos.
Join us on an exciting adventure in this hiking video as we explore the stunning beauty of the Dismal Creek Special Interest Area in the Ozark National Forest of Arkansas.
We hiked to Bearcat Hollow Falls and Prohibition Falls on a sunny day in early March 2023. This hike starts out pretty easy but by the end, it becomes a challenging hike.
We shot one of our hiking videos as we hiked to Terry Keefe, Calypso, and Splashdown Falls in the Richland Creek Wilderness of the Ozark National Forest near Witt Springs, AR on a cold day in February 2023.
This is our second trip to try and locate the elusive Punchbowl Falls, a.k.a Dry Creek Falls. Did we find the falls this time? Watch the video to find out.

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