Falling Water Falls

In this post, we want to bring you one of the easiest waterfalls you can visit in the Ozarks. Falling Water Falls is easy to visit because it is right beside the road. You can drive right up to the falls.

You can use the map above to plan your trip to see these falls. If you are coming from Harrison, AR, you will take Highway 7 south to the junction of Highway 16. Your map may say Pelsor or it may say Sand Gap. This is an unincorporated town according to my research, and the name was changed to Sand Gap. Either way, you will turn right toward Ben Hur on Highway 16.

Just outside the town of Ben Hur, you will be looking at a small church on the right. You will turn right onto Upper Falling Waters Road. You then simply follow this road to the falls.

But before you arrive at Falling Water Falls, you will see an interesting cascade in the creek on the right side of the road. Be sure and stop there if the water is running. It makes for some great photos. Here are a few from this trip.

Above Falling Water Falls
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography
Above Falling Water Falls
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography
Above Falling Water Falls
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography

Whatever you do, don’t make the same mistake we did a few years ago and think that these are actually Falling Water Falls. We drove here a few years ago and took some photos. We turned around and drove back the way we came, never suspecting at the time that only about 3/4 of a mile up the road were the true falls. It was only when we were looking at Google Earth while researching that we realized how close we had come. We also knew we had to go back since there has been a lot of rain in the Ozarks this spring. We were not disappointed.

Below are a few of the photos we captured from the falls yesterday.

Falling Water Falls 1
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography
Falling Water Falls 2
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography
Falling Water Falls 3
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography
Falling Water Falls 4
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography
Falling Water Falls 5
© 2019 Gary Davis Photography

You can drive right up to both of these places of amazing natural beauty in a car. There is no hiking involved whatsoever. The pool below the falls is a popular swimming hole in the summer. If you want to get photos without other people in them, you may have to plan to visit in the off-season. It’s also best to plan a visit after significant rainfall, as the flow will diminish during the dry season.

After seeing Falling Water Falls, you could turn around and return the way you came. But if you feel truly adventurous, you should continue to Richland Creek Campground and beyond. Although the road can get steep and winding in places, we did see a sports car very close to the campground. The road seems to be very well maintained.

The drive to the campground has some amazing sights. And if you are interested in seeing another set of waterfalls, there are 6 Fingers Falls and Terry Keefe Falls on the drive to the campground. Once you get to the campground, you can follow a 2 1/2-mile trail to get to Richland Falls.

Unfortunately, we got a late start on this day, so we will have to return another time to bring you photos and more information on those falls.

The video below starts at the spot of the cascade where we took the first photos. It ends when we reach the paved highway at the other end of the road. It gives you a few of the highlights of the drive.

As always, you want to be careful when you visit these places. There are steep hills, wet and slippery rocks, and other dangers. Just be aware and use common sense. It should also be noted that this is a wilderness area. For most of the drive, we had little to no cell service. It was spotty at best, and most places had no service.

Read our other posts about waterfalls in the area. Read about Twin Falls and Liles Falls.

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error: All images are copyrighted 2019-2022 Lost In The Ozarks or Gary Davis Photography. All Rights Reserved.
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