The Hodgson Water Mill near Dora, MO. is a nice place to stop, stretch your legs, and view a historic structure. The mill is built atop a spring that flows from the rocks below the mill. In the late 18th and early 19th
We visited the site last fall when I was up visiting from Florida, before my move to the area. We mapped out a few springs to visit in the area, and this was the most interesting. The Hodgson Water Mill is a restoration of the original mill that stood on the site.
According to what I could find online about the mill, it was constructed around 1897. In the 1860s, a mill was built on or near the current site. This mill was closed down during the Civil War and it is not known for sure if the original mill survived the war, or if a new mill was constructed.
The spring that powered the mill when it was a working mill discharges approximately 23.5 million gallons of water per day. The spring comes out of the ground below the building and was used to turn the water wheel that drove the grinding machinery. The spring now discharges out and runs by the wheel, then continues out to a small pond in front of the mill, where a small retaining wall was built to create the pond. This wall creates a small waterfall that is a great spot for photos.
A short way down the creek created by the spring is a bridge over the creek. This is also a popular spot for photos while visiting the mill.

If you would like to visit the Hodgson Water Mill, you can reference the map below. If you are in Arkansas, you can drive to Mountain Home and take Highway 5 North into Missouri. When you reach US Highway 160 you will take a right. After several miles, you will make a left turn on MO Highway 181. You will see the mill on your right. It is right beside the highway, so you can’t miss it.
If you would like to read about the history of the Hodgson Water Mill, there is a Wiki page located here.
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Simeon David was a dam builder in the Ozarks of southwest Mo. He built the dam across Spring Creek at Rockbridge Mo. The dam still stands as a tribute to his skills as a dam builder. The dam at Hodgeson Mill is also some of his work. Although less impressive than the Rockbridge Dam, it also stands as a tribute. The old Parsons Mill on Dry Creek near Blanch was his own. The dam was built using large hewn logs. There was a large spring which helped to feed the mill pond. Some of the grand children which lived near-by would come to the spring to carry drinking water. Among those grandchildren were Ava Parsons Smith, the daughter of George and Naomi Parsons, and Della Parsons Plaster also the daughter of George and Naomi Parsons. The water wheel which powered the millstones was an undershot wheel which was mounted in the spillway. As the water rushed out of the spillway traugh, it turned the waterwheel. The old mill and the dam can no longer be seen standing. There are probably other Mill Dams that he built that only exist in the memories of those who’ve gone before. Simeon David and George Blaine built the flu to the old Rockbridge Grist mill. Simeon David and his wife Nancy Jane can be found today resting in the Blanch Cemetery toward the rear fence at the upper side of the cemetery.
Thank you so much for that. It is always interesting for us and our readers to hear about the history behind the places we visit.