Buffalo River Near Jasper, Arkansas

For more info and 360° photos of Pruitt Landing check out our new post here.

When most people think of the Buffalo River in Arkansas they think of hot weather and canoes. But if you only think of seeing the Buffalo River in the summer you are missing out.

Some of the most beautiful scenery reveals itself as the leaves turn and fall from the trees. Vistas that were hidden by the forest canopy are revealed and many can only be fully appreciated during this time of year.

The Buffalo River, or as it is known locally, the Buffalo, is the first river to be named a national river. The Buffalo River was established as a national river in 1972. It flows free for a total of 135 miles. The Buffalo River is one of only a few rivers that remain undammed in the lower 48 states.

The Buffalo River National Park has many attractions besides floating the river. The Buffalo River Trail is a hiking and backpacking trail that follows the south side of the river. Some portions of the trail are quite steep and challenging for hiking. The western section of the trail begins in Boxley Valley and ends at Pruitt, a distance of 37 miles. The second portion of the video below shows Pruitt Landing on the river.

The first part of the video was shot in the Erbie area west of Pruitt Landing. This area is wild and unspoiled, with towering bluffs and many waterfalls, and other natural beauty.

Many people visit this area to experience the unspoiled wilderness that is preserved in the park and along the river. The designation as a national river means that the river will remain in its original wild state. It prevents the development or commercial use of the river so that it will always remain in its wild and unspoiled state.

The lack of commercial development along the river also means it is a perfect place for stargazers. The dark skies along the river mean you can see many things in the sky you may never see at home. Many people who live in large cities have never seen the Milky Way stretching overhead in all its glory. But here the rich starlit sky is easily seen and can even be overwhelming for some seeing it for the first time. This is the way our ancestors viewed the night sky before all the light pollution we experience today.

Take my advice and plan a visit to the Buffalo River during the fall and winter months. With the leaves beginning to fall the views are spectacular. Additionally, the hot summer makes hiking miserable. But in the cooler times of the year, you can actually enjoy the hike without overheating or needing to carry gallons of water with you. We may just run into you on the trail.