When looking at essential oils for diabetes it is pretty common to run across a lot of hype in the industry. Some websites I read have claimed essential oils are able to cure diabetes. These claims can be dangerous to the diabetic who may be desperate for a cure.
Instead, I prefer to look at the research. Although there is much more research being done on the effects of essential oils, much of that research is still conducted in the lab. As modern medicine realizes the beneficial effects the constituents of essential oils can have more research is being done.
On the other side of that coin is that much of the research is preliminary and hasn’t been done with large double-blind human studies.
This is not to say that you should not try essential oils. It is simply to say that you shouldn’t believe all the hype that many MLM reps put out there on the web telling you that essential oils will cure a disease. At that point, they are making drug claims and those can get someone in trouble with the FDA.
As a user of essential oils, I prefer to look at the prevailing medical studies and then tell you what effects you may be able to attain by using essential oils. It is up to each individual to decide whether a specific oil might be useful as an adjunct for them.
In no circumstance should you stop any medical treatment and substitute essential oils. If you currently are under the care of a physician you should discuss the use of any essential oils with your physician so they are aware and can advise you of any drug interaction risks that may exist.
Now let’s look at some essential oils that may beneficial effects for those with diabetes.
Beneficial Essential Oils For Diabetes
Cinnamon– A study published in 2003 (1) suggested: “that the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases”.
Another study published in 2006 (2) found that a cinnamon extract “seems to have a moderate effect in reducing fasting plasma glucose concentrations in diabetic patients with poor glycemic control”.
A study published in 2010 (3) also found “cinnamon and components of cinnamon have been shown to have beneficial effects on essentially all the factors associated with metabolic syndrome, including insulin sensitivity, glucose, lipids, antioxidants, inflammation, blood pressure, and body weight”.
A review of the evidence published in 2015 (4) found that cinnamon has the potential to lower blood glucose in both animals and humans.
It is important to note that the studies involving cinnamon and diabetes were done using either cinnamon extracts in capsule form or solution of cinnamon and not the essential oil.
Although it cannot be inferred that cinnamon essential oil would have the same effect as ground cinnamon taken internally on blood glucose, it might be worth giving it a try to see if it can help you.
Read my post on Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil benefits.
Melissa (Lemon Balm)– A study published in 2014 looked at the effects of Melissa essential oil, also known as Lemon Balm, in the laboratory. The study looked at the effects of the components of essential oils on glucose consumption activity in media.
It is important to note that this was a study using media in a laboratory, and no human studies could be found. But Melissa essential oil could be another essential oil to try to help decrease blood sugar levels as part of an overall plan.
Read my post on Melissa (Lemon Balm) Essential Oil benefits.
Black Pepper– The essential oil extracted from the common kitchen spice Black Pepper was studied in a paper published in 2013 (6). The study found that the antioxidant activity and the ability to inhibit certain enzymes might help to manage or prevent Type2 diabetes and hypertension. It is important to note that the study recommended further human studies.
Read my post on the benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil.
Helichrysum– A 2015 study (7) looked at the effects of Helichrysum and Grapefruit extracts on weight loss in insulin-dependent rats. The study concluded, “Both extracts helped to reduce weight gain, hyperinsulinemia, and IR, improved inflammation markers, and decreased the HFS diet-induced oxidative stress in insulin-resistant rats”. Again it should be noted that this study was not a human study.
Read my post on the benefits of Helichrysum Essential Oil.
Essential Oils Diabetics Should Avoid
I also found mention of an essential oil that diabetics should avoid. Angelica root is mentioned to be avoided by diabetics. However, my referral to Essential Oil Safety by Tisserand & Young makes no mention of safety concerns of Angelica Root or Angelica Seed essential oils.
Other Essential Oils For Diabetes
Since there are so many additional concerns for diabetics, I would be remiss if I did not mention some of the other uses for essential oils for diabetes.
- Slow Wound Healing– Many diabetics can have slow healing of wounds, especially on the lower extremities. Essential oils which help with wound healing and preventing infection can be useful in these instances. Lavender, Tea Tree, Frankincense, German Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Geranium, and Sandalwood are all useful in helping heal wounds due to their soothing, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
- Mood– There are a number of essential oils that can help with mood. You can use citrus oils in a diffuser when you are feeling down or low on energy. You can use Lavender or Roman Chamomile when you are feeling the need to relax. You can use other essential oils to help you concentrate, such as Rosemary or Peppermint.
- Massage– There are analgesic essential oils such as Clary Sage, Ginger, Lavender, or Chamomile that can be used to relieve pain when used with a carrier oil and massaged into the area. Some essential oils may even help with diabetic nerve pain. The warming oils such as Cinnamon and Black Pepper can also be used in a massage oil to help increase circulation. This can help increase blood flow to the lower extremities which may also help diabetic nerve pain and the healing of hard-to-heal wounds.
These are a few of the essential oils that may be useful for the control of blood sugar when used as an additional weapon in the efforts of diabetics to control blood sugar. There are no human studies that show any of the oils will be effective for all users, so you should decide for yourself if using any of these essential oils in aromatherapy may be beneficial in your particular case.
We also listed some oils that can be useful for diabetics to help with hard-to-heal wounds, pain, and blood flow to the extremities.
Essential oils are powerful plant extracts and they should be used with the proper respect and safety precautions in mind.