Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits

Helichrysum essential oil benefits

Are you tired of feeling like a wilted flower in a field of stress? Well, worry no more, because Helichrysum essential oil is here to rescue you! With its magical properties and heavenly scent, this little bottle of sunshine is your ticket to relaxation and rejuvenation. In this article, we’ll uncover the captivating benefits of Helichrysum essential oil, from its soothing effects on the mind to its miraculous healing powers for the body. Get ready to bloom with Helichrysum!

Helichrysum is probably an essential oil you have never heard about. But it has some amazing benefits you should be aware of.

Where Does Helichrysum Essential Oil Come From?

Imagine yourself wandering through the picturesque landscapes of the Mediterranean region. As you traverse the rocky terrains, a delightful aroma fills the air, beckoning you closer. You stumble upon a cluster of vibrant flowers, their golden petals shining like miniature suns. This is the Helichrysum italicum plant, the source of the precious Helichrysum essential oil.

These flowers, also known as the “everlasting” or “immortelle” flowers, hold a secret within their delicate blooms. Despite the challenging conditions they endure, they possess incredible resilience and beauty. It is this resilience that is captured and bottled, giving us the precious essence known as Helichrysum essential oil.

Through a meticulous process called steam distillation, the golden blossoms are transformed into a potent elixir. The steam gently coaxes out the essential oil, preserving its therapeutic properties and capturing the essence of the plant’s vitality.

Native to the sun-kissed regions of the Mediterranean, Helichrysum essential oil carries within it the very essence of this enchanting landscape. Its aroma is both invigorating and soothing, evoking images of sun-drenched hillsides and the gentle sea breeze. Each drop of this golden treasure encapsulates the spirit of its origin, a gift from nature itself.

So, the next time you hold a bottle of Helichrysum essential oil, take a moment to appreciate the journey it has undertaken to reach your hands. It carries the resilience of the plant, the beauty of the flowers, and the essence of a sunlit paradise. Embrace its aromatic embrace and let its therapeutic benefits transport you to a place of serenity and rejuvenation.

Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits:

Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits for the Skin

Helichrysum essential oil is a true champion when it comes to nurturing and enhancing skin health. It boasts a remarkable blend of constituents that work in harmony to provide a wide range of beneficial properties for your skin.

One of the key constituents found in Helichrysum essential oil is alpha-pinene. This compound possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it a valuable asset for addressing various skin irritations. It helps to soothe redness, calm inflammation, and protect against harmful bacteria, promoting a healthier complexion.

Another star constituent in Helichrysum essential oil is gamma-curcumene. This powerful compound is known for its exceptional antioxidant and anti-aging effects. By neutralizing free radicals that can cause premature aging and damage to the skin, gamma-curcumene helps to preserve the skin’s youthful appearance. Furthermore, it aids in stimulating skin cell regeneration, promoting a smoother, more radiant complexion.

When it comes to skin healing, Helichrysum essential oil showcases its prowess through di-ketones, such as italidione and curdione. These compounds have been studied for their remarkable ability to support tissue regeneration and expedite the healing process. Whether you’re dealing with minor cuts, bruises, or scars, the presence of these di-ketones in Helichrysum essential oil can assist in repairing damaged skin, minimizing scarring, and improving overall skin texture.

Sesquiterpenes are another group of constituents found in Helichrysum essential oil that contribute to its skin-loving qualities. Compounds like neryl acetate and gamma-eudesmol possess potent anti-inflammatory properties, making them beneficial for sensitive and inflamed skin conditions. They can help to soothe and calm the skin, reducing redness and discomfort.

With such an impressive array of constituents, Helichrysum essential oil is a valuable addition to any skincare routine. Its multifaceted properties make it an ideal choice for addressing various skin concerns, from soothing irritations and reducing redness to promoting skin rejuvenation and enhancing the overall complexion. Incorporating Helichrysum essential oil into your skincare regimen can contribute to achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin that exudes vitality and beauty.

Has Diuretic Properties

Helichrysum essential oil showcases its diuretic properties, which can play a significant role in supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Within the oil, several constituents work synergistically to provide these beneficial effects.

Neryl acetate is a prominent compound found in Helichrysum essential oil that contributes to its diuretic properties. This component acts as a stimulant, aiding in the increased production and release of urine from the body. By promoting urine flow, neryl acetate helps to facilitate the elimination of excess fluids, toxins, and waste products, thus supporting the body’s detoxification mechanisms.

In addition to neryl acetate, Helichrysum essential oil contains di-ketones, such as italidione and curdione, which further enhance its diuretic action. These di-ketones possess properties that can boost kidney function and increase the output of urine. As a result, they assist in the efficient elimination of accumulated fluids and waste materials, promoting a healthier fluid balance in the body.

By harnessing the diuretic properties of Helichrysum oil, individuals may experience a reduction in water retention, particularly in areas prone to swelling or edema. Furthermore, the increased urine flow facilitated by this oil can aid in the elimination of toxins, assisting the body in its natural detoxification processes.

It is worth noting that while Helichrysum essential oil exhibits diuretic effects, it is essential to use it responsibly and consult with a healthcare professional when incorporating it into your wellness routine. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health circumstances and help ensure the safe and optimal use of this oil.

A 2016 study also found that extracts from Helichrysum were effective in treating kidney stones as an alternative to potassium citrate treatment for patients suffering from kidney stones.

Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits for Digestive Health

Helichrysum essential oil is an exceptional resource when it comes to nurturing and maintaining digestive health. Its carefully balanced combination of constituents works harmoniously to provide a multitude of benefits in this realm.

One of the vital constituents found in Helichrysum oil that contributes to digestive support is alpha-pinene. This compound possesses notable anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate digestive discomfort and reduce inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract. By calming inflammation, alpha-pinene promotes a more comfortable and balanced digestive experience.

Another significant component present in Helichrysum oil is gamma-curcumene. This compound exhibits both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, making it a valuable asset for digestive health. By reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress, gamma-curcumene aids in soothing digestive issues and supporting the overall well-being of the digestive system.

The di-ketones found in Helichrysum essential oil, such as italidione and curdione, also play a vital role in promoting optimal digestive function. These compounds have been shown to assist in regulating digestive enzymes, facilitating the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. By promoting efficient digestion, these di-ketones contribute to a healthier digestive system overall.

Sesquiterpenes, including neryl acetate and gamma-eudesmol, are additional constituents present in Helichrysum oil that can have a positive impact on digestive health. These sesquiterpenes possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate digestive disturbances. By reducing inflammation within the digestive system, these compounds contribute to a more comfortable and balanced digestive experience.

By harnessing the properties of these constituents, Helichrysum essential oil offers remarkable support for digestive health. Whether addressing occasional digestive discomfort or promoting overall digestive well-being, this oil can play a valuable role in maintaining a healthy and harmonious digestive system.

It should not be taken by those with gallstones or a blocked bile duct because it can also stimulate bile production.

This is another of the very few essential oils that can be taken internally. If you decide to take it internally be sure you only use 100% pure Helichrysum essential oil like the oil that we offer in our online shop.

Natural Hemorrhoid Remedy

Helichrysum essential oil can be a valuable natural remedy for individuals seeking relief from hemorrhoids. This essential oil contains a combination of constituents that contribute to its effectiveness in addressing this uncomfortable condition.

One of the key constituents found in Helichrysum essential oil is alpha-pinene. This compound possesses remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. By alleviating these symptoms, alpha-pinene provides relief from the pain and discomfort commonly experienced with hemorrhoids.

Gamma-curcumene is another notable constituent present in Helichrysum essential oil. This compound exhibits both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, making it an excellent ally in soothing hemorrhoidal symptoms. By reducing inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress, gamma-curcumene aids in calming irritation and promoting the healing process.

The di-ketones, including italidione and curdione, found in the oil contribute to its tissue-regenerating properties. These compounds assist in the healing of damaged tissues, which can be beneficial in reducing the severity of hemorrhoids and promoting their resolution. By supporting tissue regeneration, Helichrysum essential oil can aid in the healing process of hemorrhoidal tissues.

Sesquiterpenes, such as neryl acetate and gamma-eudesmol, are also present in Helichrysum essential oil and possess anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds can help alleviate swelling and irritation associated with hemorrhoids, providing soothing relief to affected areas.

By utilizing the properties of these constituents, Helichrysum essential oil offers a gentle and natural approach to managing hemorrhoids. It provides relief from symptoms, such as inflammation, swelling, and discomfort, while supporting the healing process.

It is gentle enough to be used neat. Simply place 3-4 drops of the oil onto a cotton ball and swab the area 2-4 times a day to relieve itching, burning, and inflammation of hemorrhoids.

You can also use it in a sitz bath for hemorrhoids by adding 3 drops of Helichrysum essential oil and 3 drops of Lavender essential oil to the water and soaking the affected area.


A few studies have shown that another Helichrysum essential oil benefit is that it is effective against Candida fungal infections. Candida albicans infection can occur in the digestive tract, vaginally, and in the mouth. It has been used in traditional medicine in the Mediterranean region to treat fungal infections from Candida.

Helpful for Colds & Flu

Helichrysum essential oil is a valuable tool in supporting individuals during cold and flu seasons. This essential oil contains constituents that contribute to its effectiveness in providing relief and promoting recovery from these common ailments.

One of the key constituents responsible for the beneficial properties of Helichrysum essential oil in addressing colds and flu is alpha-pinene. This compound possesses expectorant properties, which can help alleviate congestion and facilitate the removal of mucus from the respiratory system. By promoting easier breathing and reducing congestion, alpha-pinene offers relief from respiratory symptoms associated with colds and flu.

Another significant constituent found in this oil is gamma-curcumene. This compound exhibits potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and support the immune system. By calming inflammation and providing antioxidant protection, gamma-curcumene contributes to the overall well-being of individuals dealing with colds and flu.

Sesquiterpenes, such as neryl acetate and gamma-eudesmol, are also present in Helichrysum essential oil and possess immune-supporting properties. These compounds can help strengthen the immune system, assisting the body in fighting off viruses and infections associated with colds and flu. By bolstering the immune response, sesquiterpenes in Helichrysum essential oil contribute to a faster recovery from these ailments.

With the presence of these constituents, Helichrysum essential oil becomes a valuable ally in managing colds and flu. Its expectorant properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and immune-supporting abilities make it an ideal choice for providing relief from respiratory symptoms and promoting a swifter recovery.


Helichrysum essential oil offers a wide range of benefits that make it a valuable addition to any aromatherapy routine. From its skin-nourishing and rejuvenating properties to its support for digestive health and its ability to provide relief from colds and flu, Helichrysum essential oil proves its versatility and effectiveness. With constituents such as alpha-pinene, gamma-curcumene, di-ketones, and sesquiterpenes, this oil exhibits anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic, and immune-supporting properties. Whether you are seeking to enhance your skincare routine, support your digestive system, or manage respiratory discomfort, Helichrysum essential oil can be a natural and beneficial choice. Harness the power of this remarkable oil and experience the numerous benefits it has to offer.

Be sure and check out our list of articles for more great info on aromatherapy and essential oils.


Q: What is the essential oil Helichrysum used for?
A: It is used for a variety of purposes, including skincare, wound healing, respiratory support, and pain relief. Its versatile properties make it a popular choice in aromatherapy.

Q: What does Helichrysum smell like?
A: It has a unique and distinctive aroma. It is often described as being herbaceous, earthy, and slightly floral. The scent can vary depending on the species and origin of the oil.

Q: Can you use Helichrysum on your face?
A: Yes, it can be used on the face. It is renowned for its skin-nourishing and rejuvenating properties, making it a popular ingredient in skincare products. However, it is important to dilute the oil properly and perform a patch test before applying it to the face.

Q: What is another name for Helichrysum oil?
A: It is also commonly known as Immortelle oil or Everlasting oil due to its long-lasting and potent effects.

Q: How do you use Helichrysum essential oil for pain?
A: To use it for pain relief, it is typically diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically to the affected area. Gently massage the diluted oil into the skin to experience its analgesic properties. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for specific guidance on usage and dilution ratios.

Q: Can Helichrysum be applied to the skin?
A: Yes, it can be applied to the skin. However, it should always be diluted in a suitable carrier oil before topical application to avoid skin irritation. Perform a patch test prior to use and discontinue if any adverse reactions occur.

Q: Is Helichrysum oil good for wrinkles?
A: Yes, it is often praised for its beneficial effects on the skin, including its potential to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It is believed to promote skin cell regeneration and improve skin elasticity, contributing to a more youthful complexion.

Q: Is Helichrysum oil good for your face?
A: It can be beneficial for the face due to its skin-nourishing and rejuvenating properties. It is often used to improve skin tone, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and promote a healthy complexion. However, proper dilution and patch testing are crucial to ensure compatibility with individual skin types.

Q: Is Helichrysum oil good for scars?
A: Yes, it is renowned for its potential to reduce the appearance of scars. Its regenerative properties may assist in the healing process and promote the fading of scars over time. Consistent and diluted application to the affected area can be beneficial.

Q: Does Helichrysum essential oil help old scars?
A: It may help improve the appearance of old scars over time. Its regenerative properties can support the skin’s natural healing processes and aid in reducing the visibility of scars. However, results may vary depending on individual factors and the nature of the scar.

Q: Does Helichrysum smell like eucalyptus?
A: No, it does not smell like eucalyptus. It has its own distinct aroma, described as herbaceous, earthy, and slightly floral, which sets it apart from the scent of eucalyptus oil.

Q: Why is Helichrysum so expensive?
A: It is relatively expensive due to several factors. The plant itself is small and yields a limited amount of oil during the distillation process.