Dilution- Aromatherapy Terms


Are you curious about essential oils? Before you get started, it’s essential to understand the importance of dilution of essential oils. Dilution involves adding a carrier oil to an essential oil to reduce its potency and make it safe for use on the skin. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about dilution, including why it’s important, how to dilute essential oils properly, and the benefits of doing so. Keep reading to discover the key to using essential oils safely and effectively.

Why We Dilute Essential Oils

Dilution is a crucial concept in aromatherapy and essential oil use. It refers to the process of adding a carrier oil to an essential oil to reduce its potency and potential for irritation or adverse reactions. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that contain potent and complex chemical compounds. While these compounds offer a range of therapeutic benefits, they can also be harmful if not used correctly.

To dilute an essential oil, a carrier oil is added to it. Carrier oils are vegetable oils that have their own therapeutic properties and act as a medium to deliver the essential oil to the skin. Examples of carrier oils include coconut, almond, jojoba, and avocado oil. The ratio of essential oil to carrier oil varies depending on the essential oil and the intended use.

Dilution serves several purposes. First, it makes essential oils safer to use on the skin by reducing the risk of irritation, sensitization, or allergic reactions. Second, it ensures that the essential oil is evenly distributed and absorbed into the skin, maximizing its therapeutic effects. Finally, dilution helps to extend the life of the essential oil, as it is used in smaller amounts.

It is important to note that not all essential oils require the same dilution ratio. Some oils, such as lavender or tea tree, are considered safe to use undiluted on the skin in small areas, while others, such as cinnamon or clove, should always be diluted before use. Additionally, the age, health, and skin sensitivity of the individual using the essential oil should also be taken into account when determining the appropriate dilution ratio.

Safe Dilution Ratios

Whether you are mixing a dilution for a massage oil or using essential oils in a finished DIY skincare product there are some basic guidelines for safe dilution.

A general rule of thumb for a safe dilution for a healthy adult is a maximum of 2% dilution.

  • 1oz = 30ml = Approximately 600 drops
  • 2% of 600 = 12
  • Add no more than 12 drops of essential oil per 1oz of carrier oil.

Some Essential Oils Require Different Dilution Concentrations

Be sure to check the specific essential oil for recommended maximum concentrations for topical application. Some essential oils have recommended maximum dilutions of less than 2% due to the increased risk of skin sensitization.

For children or the elderly, the general maximum safe dilution is a 1% dilution. For 1oz of carrier oil, you would only use 6 drops of essential oil.

It is also worth noting that the use of essential oils with children, the elderly who are debilitated, and pregnant women should be undertaken with extreme caution. It should also be discussed with a physician prior to use.

Some oils such as those with a high 1,8-cineole content may cause respiratory depression in young children.

Safety When Diluting Essential Oils

Safety when using essential oils should always be the first priority. Use a guide for safe dilutions and do the research on any essential oil you plan to use.

Proper dilution is crucial for a few reasons. First and foremost, essential oils are highly concentrated substances that can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, and other adverse effects if used undiluted. In some cases, using undiluted essential oils can even lead to chemical burns.

Secondly, diluting essential oils can help to ensure that their therapeutic properties are properly absorbed and utilized by the body. Carrier oils help to slow down the rate of absorption, which allows the body to better metabolize the essential oils and make the most of their healing potential.

To ensure safety when diluting essential oils, it’s important to follow a few guidelines. First, always use a high-quality carrier oil that is appropriate for your intended use. Second, be sure to follow the recommended dilution ratios for your specific essential oil and application. Generally, a dilution of 1-5% is appropriate for most uses.

Finally, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and some people may be more sensitive to certain essential oils than others. If you experience any adverse effects or discomfort when using essential oils, stop use immediately and consult with a healthcare professional.

The best way to be safe is to purchase a guide to essential oil safety.

Essential oils are wonderful when used responsibly. However, they also have the ability to be dangerous if used haphazardly or incorrectly.

Be sure and check out all the informative articles on our Natural Living Blog.


Q: What is the ratio to dilute essential oils?
A: The recommended ratio to dilute essential oils is generally 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon (or 5ml) of carrier oil.

Q: What is the best way to dilute essential oils?
A: The best way to dilute essential oils is by mixing them with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or sweet almond oil. This helps to reduce the concentration of the essential oil and prevent skin irritation.

Q: What are good oils to dilute essential oils?
A: Some good carrier oils to dilute essential oils include coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, and grapeseed oil. Be sure to choose a carrier oil that is appropriate for your skin type.

Q: What is the ratio of essential oils for aromatherapy?
A: The recommended ratio for essential oils in aromatherapy is typically 2-3 drops of essential oil per 100ml of water in a diffuser.

Q: What is considered a 2% dilution of essential oils?
A: A 2% dilution of essential oils means adding 12 drops of essential oil to 1 oz (or 30ml) of carrier oil.

Q: Why don’t you dilute essential oils with water?
A: Essential oils and water do not mix well, and water can actually cause the essential oils to evaporate quickly, reducing their effectiveness. It is best to dilute essential oils with a carrier oil.

Q: Why should you use a lower dilution of essential oils for children and the elderly?
A: Children and the elderly have more sensitive skin and may have a higher risk of adverse reactions to essential oils. Using a lower dilution can help reduce the risk of skin irritation and other negative side effects.