Diffuser- Aromatherapy Terms

reed diffuser

Are you looking for a way to enhance your home or workspace with pleasant scents? Aromatherapy using a diffuser might be the answer for you! Not only does it provide a delightful fragrance, but it can also have positive effects on your mood and well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using a diffuser in aromatherapy, the different types of diffusers available, and how to choose the right essential oils to use. Keep reading to discover the many ways you can improve your environment and your health with the simple act of using a diffuser in aromatherapy.

What is a Diffuser?

In aromatherapy, a diffuser is used to diffuse essential oils into the air. The dispersal of the aroma of essential oils is known as aromatherapy.

By dispersing the molecules of essential oil into the air, you can inhale the aroma of the essential oils. The aroma is inhaled into the nose and the lungs.

The molecules that enter the nose impact the scent receptors in the nose. These scent receptors then send the signals to the limbic center of the brain.

The limbic system is where basic emotions and biological drives originate. The limbic system affects the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system.

This is why certain smells such as apple pie can evoke strong emotions and memories of your grandmother baking in her kitchen.

When we use a diffuser we are distributing certain essential oils into the air to affect the limbic system. Each essential oil has a unique effect. Essential oils can also be blended together in a diffuser blend to complement each other both aromatically and in the effects they can evoke in the mind and body.

Types Of Diffusers

There are several types of diffusers. Diffusers can be either active or passive. Let’s look at a few.

Passive Diffuser

A passive diffuser can be a ceramic dish or it can be as simple as a cotton ball. A few drops of essential oil are placed onto the diffuser. As the essential oil evaporates the molecules of the oil diffuse into the air.

Passive diffusers are useful for small confined spaces, such as beside your bed in a bedroom. They are not effective for large spaces.

Reed Diffuser

A reed diffuser uses rattan sticks which have channels that allow the essential oil molecules to move up the sticks and diffuse into the room.

The essential oils are placed into a container and the sticks are placed into the essential oil. This is another form of passive diffusion.

Heat Diffuser

Several types of diffusers use heat to evaporate essential oils and diffuse them into the air.

The most common type has a ceramic bowl on top into which water and a few drops of essential oil are placed. In the bottom is placed a small tea light candle which heats the water and evaporates the essential oil.

Another way of using heat the diffuse essential oils is by adding a few drops to the wax of a candle. Once the candle has a pool of liquid wax, essential oils may be added to the wax to help them diffuse.

If you choose this method of diffusion be very careful. Essential oils are flammable! They should never be dropped directly onto a candle flame due to the fire risk.

Ultrasonic Diffuser

An ultrasonic diffuser uses a piezoelectric crystal that vibrates many times a second to diffuse the essential oil.

Water is placed into the tub of the diffuser and a few drops of essential oil are added. The diffuser breaks the water and essential oil into a fine mist. A small fan then blows the mist out the top of the diffuser into the room.

This type of diffuser not only has the benefit of diffusing the essential oil but also adds humidity to the room. Most diffusers of this type also have a safety shutoff which will turn off the diffuser when the water level gets low.

Nebulizing Diffuser

The last type I want to talk about is the nebulizer diffuser. This type of diffuser also breaks down the molecules of essential oil and water into tiny particles which are diffused into the air. The downside to these diffusers is that they are noisy and may be hard to clean.


There are many types of diffusers for using essential oils. I use and recommend the ultrasonic type. The reason I recommend the ultrasonic type is that it has a safety shutoff, so you are protected from issues such as leaving a candle burning if you fall asleep. I use mine with Lavender essential oil nightly to help with trouble sleeping and staying asleep. When I wake up the next morning the diffuser has shut itself down during the night, and I didn’t have to worry about a fire starting.

Be sure and check out our list of articles to discover a wealth of information on aromatherapy and essential oils.


Q: Is it safe to breathe in essential oils from a diffuser?
A: Yes, it is safe to breathe in essential oils from a diffuser, as long as the oils are properly diluted and used in a well-ventilated area.

Q: How many drops of oil do you put in a diffuser?
A: The number of drops of oil you put in a diffuser depends on the size of the diffuser and your personal preference. Typically, a diffuser requires 3-5 drops of oil per 100ml of water.

Q: Do you mix anything with essential oils in a diffuser?
A: Yes, you can mix carrier oils, water, or other essential oils with the essential oil in a diffuser. However, it is important to follow proper dilution guidelines.

Q: Is it safe to nebulize with eucalyptus oil?
A: Yes, it is safe to nebulize with eucalyptus oil. However, it is important to use a high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oil and to follow proper dilution guidelines.

Q: What oils can you use in a nebulizer?
A: You can use a variety of essential oils in a nebulizer, depending on your desired effect. However, it is important to use a high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oil and to follow proper dilution guidelines.

Q: How many drops of oil do I need for a nebulizer?
A: The number of drops of oil you need for a nebulizer depends on the size of the nebulizer and your personal preference. Typically, 2-3 drops of oil are sufficient.

Q: What is a good mix of essential oils for a diffuser?
A: A good mix of essential oils for a diffuser depends on your desired effect. For relaxation, lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are good choices. For energy, peppermint, lemon, and eucalyptus are good choices.

Q: What oils should not be used in a diffuser?
A: Oils that are known to cause irritation or allergic reactions should not be used in a diffuser. These include cinnamon, clove, oregano, and thyme.

Q: Which essential oil blends well together?
A: Lavender and peppermint, lemon and rosemary, and frankincense and bergamot are all essential oil blends that work well together.

Q: How do you make homemade diffuser essential oils?
A: To make homemade diffuser essential oils, mix 20-30 drops of your desired essential oil with 1/4 cup of a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.

Q: What oils should I diffuse for relaxation?
A: Lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and ylang-ylang are all good oils to diffuse for relaxation.

Q: What mixture of essential oils is good for anxiety?
A: Lavender, bergamot, ylang-ylang, and frankincense are all essential oils that can help to reduce anxiety when diffused together.