Roman Chamomile Benefits

roman chamomile benefits

Are you ready to dive into the world of relaxation and bliss? Get ready to experience the soothing wonders of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil! From unraveling stress knots to taming the wild waves of anxiety, this aromatic gem has a reputation for turning frowns upside down. In this article, we’ll explore the enchanting benefits of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil and discover how it can be your secret weapon for a calmer mind, a happier heart, and a rejuvenated spirit. Get ready to embrace tranquility like never before!

Roman chamomile benefits are wide-ranging for your health and wellness. Chamomile is one of the oldest medicinal herbs known to man. It has been used since ancient times for its medicinal and aromatic properties. There are two types of Chamomile essential oils. There are Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) and German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L). They each have subtle differences that you should be aware of when purchasing. In this article, I am going to look at Roman Chamomile’s benefits.

Pure Roman Chamomile essential oil is expensive. The oil is produced from the steam distillation of the flowers. Most floral essential oils demand a higher price because it requires many pounds of flowers to obtain a few milliliters of the essential oil. The good news is that with concentrated essential oil a few drops go a long way.

My favorite use of Roman Chamomile essential oil is to use 2 drops in a diffuser with 4 drops of Lavender essential oil. I use this blend on nights when I am having trouble falling asleep and it never fails to relax me and let me fall asleep fast. I just place the diffuser next to the bed and I get to sleep fast. It is some of the most restful sleep you can get.

Roman Chamomile essential oil is non-toxic and non-irritating. It is considered safe enough to use with children, and it has been used to effectively calm children with ADD/ADHD.

It should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing. Those with allergic reactions to ragweed and some other flowers should use it with caution due to the possibility of allergic reactions to the oil.

Roman Chamomile Benefits

Helps With Anxiety

Roman Chamomile essential oil is widely recognized for its therapeutic properties and is often recommended as a natural remedy for anxiety. Its unique chemical composition, including compounds like alpha-bisabolol and chamazulene, contributes to its anxiety-relieving effects.

One of the most common methods of using Roman Chamomile essential oil for anxiety is through inhalation. You can add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle. As you breathe in the gentle and soothing aroma, the molecules of the oil stimulate the olfactory system and send signals to the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of anxiety.

Another effective way to use Roman Chamomile essential oil is through topical application. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and apply it to your wrists, temples, or the back of your neck. Gentle massage can further enhance its therapeutic effects. This allows the oil to be absorbed through the skin, where its calming properties can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream, promoting a sense of calm and reducing anxiety symptoms.

Additionally, Roman Chamomile essential oil can be used for soothing bath blends. Add a few drops of the oil to a warm bath and immerse yourself in its calming fragrance. The combination of warm water and the therapeutic aroma helps relax tense muscles and release stress, creating a serene environment that can alleviate anxiety symptoms.

To optimize the benefits of Roman Chamomile essential oil, it is important to choose a high-quality, pure, and undiluted oil. Ensure that you purchase from reputable sources and follow proper dilution guidelines. It is advisable to perform a patch test on a small area of skin before applying the oil topically, as some individuals may have sensitivities or allergies.

While Roman Chamomile essential oil can be a valuable tool in managing anxiety, it is important to remember that aromatherapy is a complementary approach and should not replace professional medical advice or treatment. If you have severe or persistent anxiety symptoms, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider for a comprehensive assessment and appropriate guidance.

Incorporating Roman Chamomile essential oil into your self-care routine can offer a natural and gentle way to alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

Helps With Insomnia

Roman Chamomile essential oil can be a valuable aid in promoting better sleep and managing insomnia. This essential oil has a gentle and soothing aroma that can help calm the mind and relax the body, facilitating a more restful sleep.

Inhalation is a popular method for utilizing the benefits of Roman Chamomile essential oil for insomnia. You can add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser in your bedroom before going to sleep. As you inhale the aromatic molecules, they interact with the olfactory system and transmit calming signals to the brain. This can help reduce racing thoughts, anxiety, and stress, enabling you to unwind and prepare for a peaceful night’s sleep.

The topical application of Roman Chamomile essential oil can also be beneficial for insomnia. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil, and apply it to your wrists, temples, or the soles of your feet before bedtime. Gently massage the oil into your skin to promote absorption. Through topical application, the soothing properties of Roman Chamomile essential oil can be directly absorbed, helping to relax the body and support more restful sleep.

Creating a relaxing bedtime routine that incorporates Roman Chamomile essential oil can enhance its effectiveness. Consider taking a warm bath before bed and adding a few drops of Roman Chamomile oil to the bathwater. The combination of warm water and the calming aroma can help relax tense muscles and prepare your body for sleep. Additionally, you can mix a few drops of the oil with a carrier oil and use it for a gentle self-massage, focusing on areas of tension or stress.

Roman Chamomile Benefits for Colds & Allergies

Roman Chamomile essential oil can be a valuable tool in managing the symptoms of colds and allergies. With its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, it can help alleviate congestion, ease respiratory discomfort, and provide relief from allergy-related symptoms.

Inhaling the aroma of Roman Chamomile essential oil can help relieve nasal congestion and respiratory discomfort associated with colds and allergies. You can add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or a bowl of steaming water. Lean over the bowl, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the gentle vapors deeply. The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil can help open up the airways, reduce congestion, and promote easier breathing.

Topical application of Roman Chamomile essential oil can also be beneficial for colds and allergies. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and gently massage it onto the chest or throat area. The oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation and soothe irritated respiratory passages. Additionally, you can apply the diluted oil to the temples or sinus areas for relief from sinus congestion and discomfort.

For allergy relief, Roman Chamomile essential oil can be combined with other oils known for their antihistamine and anti-allergenic properties, such as lavender or peppermint oil. Create a blend by diluting these oils with a carrier oil and applying it to the chest, throat, or sinus areas. The combined effects of these oils can help alleviate allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, itching, and congestion.

Aids With Symptoms Of PMS

Roman Chamomile essential oil can be a valuable aid in managing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This essential oil possesses calming and soothing properties that can help alleviate mood swings, irritability, cramps, and other discomforts associated with PMS.

For emotional support during PMS, inhaling the aroma of Roman Chamomile essential oil can be beneficial. Add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle. The gentle and soothing aroma of the oil can help balance emotions, reduce irritability, and promote a sense of calm. Inhaling the scent can also assist in relieving stress and anxiety, which are commonly experienced during this time.

To alleviate physical symptoms of PMS, Roman Chamomile essential oil can be applied topically. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond or coconut oil, and gently massage it onto the lower abdomen or lower back to help relieve cramps and discomfort. The oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can assist in reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation in the muscles.

For a relaxing and soothing bath during PMS, consider adding a few drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil to warm bathwater. This allows for a full-body immersion in the oil’s calming aroma, which can help ease tension and promote relaxation. Additionally, combining Roman Chamomile essential oil with other oils known for their hormone-balancing properties, such as clary sage or lavender oil, can enhance its effects.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Roman Chamomile essential oil is a highly beneficial natural remedy for promoting healthy skin. This essential oil possesses numerous properties that contribute to skin health, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and soothing qualities.

Topical application of Roman Chamomile essential oil can help soothe and calm various skin conditions. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, and apply it to the affected areas. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce redness, inflammation, and skin irritations, such as eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis. The oil’s gentle nature makes it suitable for sensitive skin as well.

Incorporating Roman Chamomile essential oil into your skincare routine can enhance overall skin health. Add a few drops of the oil to your facial cleanser, toner, or moisturizer to enjoy its benefits. It can help balance sebum production, soothe dry or irritated skin, and promote a healthy complexion. Its antioxidant properties contribute to the protection of skin cells from environmental damage and premature aging.

Roman Chamomile essential oil can be utilized for a relaxing and rejuvenating facial steam. Add a few drops of the oil to a bowl of hot water and place a towel over your head to create a steam tent. Lean over the bowl, allowing the steam to gently envelop your face. This process helps to open up pores, cleanse the skin, and promote a healthy glow.

Roman Chamomile Benefits for Heart Health

Roman Chamomile essential oil, derived from the flowers of the Chamaemelum nobile plant, can be a valuable asset in promoting heart health. While it is important to note that essential oils should not replace professional medical advice or treatment, Roman Chamomile essential oil possesses properties that may support a healthy cardiovascular system.

The calming and soothing properties of Roman Chamomile essential oil can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are known risk factors for heart disease. Inhaling the oil’s gentle aroma through a diffuser or directly from the bottle may help lower blood pressure and promote a sense of relaxation.

Roman Chamomile essential oil also exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, which can contribute to heart health. Chronic inflammation is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, and by reducing inflammation, the oil may help support a healthy cardiovascular system.

Additionally, Roman Chamomile essential oil possesses antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body, which can damage cells and contribute to heart disease. By incorporating Roman Chamomile essential oil into your daily routine, you may help protect your heart from oxidative stress and promote overall cardiovascular well-being.

May Help With Joint Pain

Roman Chamomile essential oil can be a valuable natural remedy for relieving joint pain and discomfort. Derived from the flowers of the Chamaemelum nobile plant, this essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help reduce inflammation, ease muscle tension, and provide relief from joint pain.

Topical application of Roman Chamomile essential oil is a popular method for alleviating joint pain. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and gently massage it onto the affected areas. The oil’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce swelling and inflammation around the joints, while its analgesic properties can provide temporary relief from pain. Massaging the oil into the skin can also help improve circulation and promote relaxation of the surrounding muscles.

For a soothing and therapeutic bath, consider adding a few drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil to warm bathwater. Soaking in the oil-infused water can help relax tense muscles, reduce stiffness, and provide temporary relief from joint pain. The gentle and calming aroma of the oil can also contribute to a sense of relaxation and overall well-being.

Creating a blend with other essential oils known for their pain-relieving properties can enhance the effectiveness of Roman Chamomile essential oil for joint pain. Oils such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can complement the soothing and anti-inflammatory effects of Roman Chamomile. Dilute these oils with a carrier oil and apply the blend topically to the affected joints for targeted relief.

Supports Digestive Health

Roman Chamomile essential oil can be a valuable tool in promoting and improving digestive health. Derived from the flowers of the Chamaemelum nobile plant, this essential oil possesses several properties that can aid in soothing digestive discomfort, reducing inflammation, and supporting a healthy digestive system. Here is a comprehensive overview of how Roman Chamomile essential oil can be used effectively:

For digestive support, inhaling the aroma of Roman Chamomile essential oil can be beneficial. You can add a few drops of the oil to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle. The gentle and soothing aroma of the oil can help calm the digestive system, reduce stress-related digestive issues, and alleviate symptoms such as bloating, gas, and indigestion. Inhaling the scent can also assist in relieving nausea and promoting overall digestive well-being.

The topical application of Roman Chamomile essential oil can also help improve digestive health. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil, and gently massage it onto the abdominal area. The oil’s anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties can help relax the muscles of the digestive tract, ease cramps, and reduce inflammation. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing digestive discomfort and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).


Roman Chamomile essential oil offers a multitude of health benefits and is a valuable addition to your aromatherapy and natural health toolkit. Its soothing and calming properties make it an excellent choice for promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and supporting emotional well-being. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can provide relief from joint pain, muscle tension, and headaches. Roman Chamomile essential oil also shows promise in supporting digestive health by soothing the digestive system and alleviating common issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion.

When using Roman Chamomile essential oil, it is important to choose a high-quality, pure oil from reputable sources. Organic or therapeutic-grade oils are recommended to ensure the best results. Remember to perform a patch test before applying the oil topically and consult with a qualified healthcare professional before ingesting any essential oil. Essential oils are potent substances and should be used responsibly and with caution.

Incorporating Roman Chamomile essential oil into your daily routine can provide a natural and effective way to enhance your overall well-being. Whether you choose to enjoy its aromatic benefits through inhalation, apply it topically for targeted relief, or explore its potential in supporting various aspects of health, Roman Chamomile essential oil is a versatile and valuable tool. Embrace the power of this remarkable essential oil and experience its numerous health benefits for yourself.

You may also want to read about German Chamomile benefits.

Be sure and check out our list of articles for more great info on aromatherapy and essential oils.


Q: What is Roman chamomile essential oil used for?
A: Roman chamomile essential oil is commonly used for its calming and soothing properties. It is known to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and support emotional well-being. It is also used for its potential benefits in alleviating muscle tension, soothing digestive discomfort, and promoting healthy skin.

Q: What is the difference between chamomile and Roman chamomile essential oil?
A: Chamomile is a general term that refers to two main types of chamomile plants: Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). The main difference lies in their botanical origins and chemical compositions. Roman chamomile is derived from the Chamaemelum nobile plant and has a slightly sweet and fruity aroma, while German chamomile has a more intense, herbaceous scent. They also differ in their therapeutic properties, with Roman chamomile being known for its calming effects, while German chamomile is often used for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Q: What mixes well with Roman chamomile essential oil?
A: Roman chamomile essential oil blends well with several other essential oils, including lavender, bergamot, clary sage, geranium, ylang-ylang, and rose. These combinations create pleasant and synergistic aromas that can enhance the relaxing and soothing properties of Roman chamomile.

Q: Is Roman chamomile oil anti-inflammatory?
A: Yes, Roman chamomile oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It contains compounds such as chamazulene and alpha-bisabolol, which are known for their anti-inflammatory effects. This makes Roman chamomile oil beneficial for reducing inflammation, soothing skin irritations, and providing relief from conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.

Q: What are the side effects of Roman chamomile essential oil?
A: While Roman chamomile essential oil is generally considered safe, some individuals may experience allergic reactions or skin sensitivities. It is recommended to perform a patch test before using the oil topically and to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have known allergies or sensitivities to plants in the daisy family. Additionally, it is important to use Roman chamomile essential oil in moderation and avoid ingesting it without proper guidance from a qualified professional.

Q: Does Roman chamomile essential oil help you sleep?
A: Yes, Roman chamomile essential oil is often used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Its calming aroma can help reduce anxiety and create a soothing environment that supports a restful night’s sleep. Inhalation or diffusing the oil before bedtime can help induce a sense of relaxation and aid in falling asleep more easily.

Q: Can you use Roman chamomile essential oil on your face?
A: Yes, Roman chamomile essential oil can be used on the face, but it should be diluted with a carrier oil before application. It is important to perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any sensitivities or allergic reactions. When used properly, Roman chamomile essential oil can provide benefits for the skin, including soothing irritation, reducing redness, and promoting a healthy complexion.