Natural Tick Repellent Spray

Natural Tick Repellent

Ticks are not only annoying but also can carry dangerous diseases. That’s where Natural Tick Repellent Spray comes in! This article will explore the benefits of using natural ingredients to repel ticks, and the easy DIY recipe to make your own tick-repellent spray at home. With this natural tick-repellent spray, you can enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about tick bites.

Why Do I Need To Use Tick Repellent?

Ticks are tiny arachnids that can be found in wooded and grassy areas, and they can pose a serious health risk to humans and animals. Ticks are known carriers of a variety of diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and many others. Lyme disease alone can cause long-term health problems if left untreated, including arthritis, heart problems, and nervous system disorders.

Using tick repellent is one of the most effective ways to prevent tick bites and the spread of tick-borne illnesses. Tick repellents work by creating a barrier on your skin that ticks find unappealing or overwhelming. There are several types of tick repellents available, including DEET-based products, natural repellents made from essential oils, and permethrin-treated clothing.

It’s essential to use tick repellent when spending time outdoors, especially in wooded or grassy areas, and to follow the product’s instructions carefully. It’s also important to check your skin and clothing for ticks after spending time outdoors. If you find a tick attached to your skin, it’s crucial to remove it carefully and promptly to reduce the risk of infection.

How I Discovered This Natural Tick Repellent

This natural tick repellent might just save your life. Living in the Ozarks is great. Opportunities to enjoy the outdoors abound everywhere. But if you spend any time in the outdoors, you know there is one scourge here we can all agree we could do without. Ticks!

Where I grew up in southeast Arkansas, the summers were filled with mosquitoes. Fortunately, the number of mosquitoes is tiny in comparison in our area of the Ozarks. The same can’t be said for ticks. It seems they are determined to find a way to make your time in the outdoors miserable. They attach to our clothing and then make their way to a patch of skin to embed themselves and make a meal of us.

How do we prevent ourselves from getting a tick-borne illness? The best prevention is to do our best to not get bitten in the first place. By preventing the bite from occurring, you can prevent the contraction of one of these illnesses. The microbes that cause tick-borne illness are transmitted to humans when the tick penetrates the skin and begins feeding on our blood.

All Natural Tick Repellent Spray

What if I told you there is an all-natural tick repellent you can mix up at home that works as well as those commercial sprays you can buy? But instead of using harmful chemicals, it contains only totally natural ingredients.

First, let me tell you a little about myself. I worked for 34 years in the healthcare field as a respiratory therapist. A few years ago, I became certified in aromatherapy and the use of essential oils as natural alternatives to many of the chemical-based products sold in stores. The natural chemical constituents contained in essential oils have many uses. Plants have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Essential oils are simply naturally produced chemicals from plants that have been distilled and concentrated.

I conducted some research and looked at the essential oils believed to be the most effective at repelling ticks. From that research, I found what has been an effective natural tick repellent for us as we hike or work in wooded areas where ticks are present.


Before getting to the recipe, there are a few things I should mention about using essential oils as a natural tick repellent. Some people may be sensitive to essential oils if sprayed directly on the skin. They may cause skin irritation in some people. The best way to check if this is a problem for you is to do what we call a patch test. Spray a little of the mixture on the underside of the forearm near the elbow. Wait 24 hours to see if there is a reaction. If not, you are most likely not sensitive, and it will not cause skin irritation.

Just to be on the safe side, I recommend using the spray on the lower areas of your pants around the cuffs, and around the belt line. It can also be sprayed on shirts as well.

Now we’ll get to the recipe. You will need a small spray bottle. Use a glass bottle that is amber or blue. UV light breaks down essential oils, and it also may destroy plastic. It’s wise to spend a few dollars and get a good amber or blue glass spray bottle. The one I use is a 16 oz amber glass bottle with a trigger sprayer. You may want to get a few since these are also great for use in our DIY natural cleaning products.

Natural Tick Repellent Recipe

Use 3 parts water to 1 part Witch Hazel for your natural tick-repellent base. Fill the bottle a little over 3/4 full. You need to leave enough room for the essential oils and some headspace so you can shake it up.

If you need Witch Hazel, you can get it at this link. Essential oils do not mix well with water, so Witch Hazel is used as an emulsifier to help the essential oils mix with the water.

Now add 20 drops of each of the following essential oils for a 16 oz bottle. Reduce the amount according to the size of your bottle. Example: For an 8 oz bottle use 10 drops each and for a 4 oz bottle use 5 drops each.

You can purchase quality essential oils at the links provided. Just click the name of each oil. With essential oils, a little goes a long way. A typical 5ml bottle of oil contains about 570 – 600 drops. This is easily a year’s supply for most people.

Geranium– A recent study found that one of the constituents of geranium oil is effective in repelling the lone star tick.

Lemongrass– Lemongrass is another essential oil that is believed to be effective in repelling ticks.

Lavender– Lavender essential oil is another essential oil that has been shown to be a natural tick repellent.

Cedarwood– Oil from Cedarwood is also an effective natural tick repellent.

Try this easy-to-make natural tick repellent with essential oils. All natural and most importantly, effective.

Disclaimer: This article should not be construed as medical advice. The health information in this article is not intended to assess, diagnose, prescribe, or promise a cure for any medical condition. Consult with your health care professional before considering any natural supplement or plant remedy for your health and wellness. We assume no liability for the use or misuse of the material presented above. Always consult with a medical professional before changing your diet, or using manufactured or natural medications.

Be sure and check out our list of articles to discover a wealth of information on other ways to stay safe in the outdoors, as well as wild edible and medicinal plants.


Q: What scent do ticks hate?
A: Ticks dislike certain scents, including citrus, lavender, eucalyptus, and geranium. These scents can be used in natural tick repellents to help deter ticks.

Q: What is a homemade natural tick spray for the yard?
A: A homemade natural tick spray for the yard can be made by mixing ingredients such as water, vinegar, essential oils (such as peppermint, cedarwood, or lemongrass), and liquid soap. This mixture can be sprayed in areas where ticks are likely to be present, helping to repel them.

Q: Does vinegar really repel ticks?
A: While vinegar has some repellent properties, it may not be as effective as other ingredients. However, vinegar can be used as an ingredient in homemade tick repellents and may provide some level of deterrence.

Q: What spray do ticks hate?
A: There are several types of tick-repellent sprays available, including those containing DEET, picaridin, or essential oils like cedarwood, geranium, or lemongrass. These sprays can help repel ticks when applied to the skin or clothing.

Q: What is the best essential oil to repel ticks?
A: Essential oils such as cedarwood, geranium, lemongrass, peppermint, and eucalyptus are known to be effective in repelling ticks. However, it’s important to dilute essential oils properly and use them in appropriate concentrations for safe and effective use.

Q: What smell do ticks hate the most?
A: Ticks have an aversion to scents like citrus, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, and cedarwood. These smells can be utilized in tick repellents to help deter ticks.

Q: What essential oils repel ticks and are safe for dogs?
A: Essential oils that are safe for dogs and known to repel ticks include cedarwood, geranium, lemongrass, and peppermint. However, it’s crucial to properly dilute these oils and use them in moderation, as dogs can be more sensitive to certain scents and concentrations.

Q: Is lemongrass essential oil good for tick repellent?
A: Yes, lemongrass essential oil is effective in repelling ticks. It contains natural compounds that ticks find unpleasant, making it a useful ingredient in tick-repellent formulations.

Q: Does peppermint oil keep ticks away?
A: Peppermint oil has repellent properties and can help keep ticks away. Its strong scent is known to deter ticks, making it a potential ingredient in tick-repellent sprays or other natural tick-repellent methods.

Q: Do ticks hate coconut oil?
A: While coconut oil has various beneficial properties, it is not known to be an effective tick repellent on its own. However, when combined with other essential oils or ingredients, it can be used as a carrier oil in homemade tick-repellent recipes.

Q: What is the most effective way to repel ticks?
A: The most effective way to repel ticks is by using a combination of strategies. This includes applying an appropriate tick repellent on exposed skin and clothing, wearing long sleeves and pants when in tick-prone areas, regularly checking for ticks, and promptly removing any attached ticks. Additionally, creating a tick-free environment by keeping lawns trimmed, removing leaf litter, and creating barriers can help reduce tick populations in your surroundings.