What is lemongrass Essential Oil?
Lemongrass essential oil has many benefits. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a tall perennial grass that is native to tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Australia, India, and parts of Africa. It can grow from 3-6 feet tall. It is used in many Asian and Indian culinary dishes, and it has a lemony, earthy smell. The leaves are dried and used as a tea.
The essential oil is extracted from the leaves by the process of steam distillation. The most abundant chemical constituent in the essential oil is citral. Citral is a naturally occurring mixture of geranial and nerol. Citral has a strong, fresh odor of lemon. This is the chemical compound that gives lemongrass essential oil its distinctive lemon fragrance.
Lemongrass essential oil is used in the perfumery industry to create fragrances. The oil and the leaves are also used to impart a lemon flavor to various culinary dishes.
Find out how to grow lemongrass in this article.
The Benefits Of Lemongrass Essential Oil
Below you will see some of the most important benefits of this amazing essential oil. The essential oil of lemongrass has a wide array of uses and effects.
Digestive Issues
Lemongrass essential oil was shown in a study published in 2012 to have a protective effect on the stomachs of mice. The mice in the study were given high doses of alcohol or aspirin and then given lemongrass essential oil by mouth. The essential oil helped to heal the lesions in the stomach lining.
It can also be used to relieve heartburn, stomach upset and nausea, flatulence, and even diarrhea.
You can add 2 drops of lemongrass essential oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil. To relieve heartburn you can massage over the chest and throat. To relieve nausea and stomach pain massage over the stomach. To relieve gas and bloating you can massage the mixture over the abdomen.
Just be sure that if you decide to use the essential oil internally you ONLY buy 100% pure essential oil from a seller you trust. You can trust that our essential oils are 100% pure.
Pain Relief
Another lemongrass essential oil benefit is in the area of pain relief. A study published in 2011 looked at lemongrass essential oil and its possible role in pain relief. The study concluded the essential oil can be used to relieve “ailments like headaches, muscle cramps, spasms, and rheumatisms”.
Lemongrass essential oil helps to improve circulation, so it can be used to relieve muscle aches, cramps, and other mild pain. Simply dilute 2 drops to a tablespoon of carrier oil such as sweet almond, coconut, or jojoba oil and massage into the aching muscles.
The anti-inflammatory properties also make it effective in treating strains, sprains, and other painful injuries where inflammation plays a role.
Lemongrass essential oil can also be useful for those who experience pain during periods. You can drink a tea made with the herb or add the essential oil to tea for relief. You can also make a mixture of lemongrass and oregano essential oils diluted in a carrier oil and massage it into the lower abdomen for relief. Oregano essential oil is a stimulant to menstrual flow, so it is very effective for the relief of cramping.
Caution- Oregano essential oil can cause uterine contractions so women who are pregnant should avoid using it.
Lemongrass essential oil is also useful for painful joints such as with arthritis pain. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties which make it useful for decreasing the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. It is also known as a natural diuretic, so it stimulates urination. The increased urination can help to relieve fluid buildup in the joints Increased urination can also help remove toxins that can make arthritis worse.
Many Uses For Your Skin
Who knew that a grass that is used in cooking could produce an essential oil that would have so many benefits for your skin? The many benefits of lemongrass essential oil will make you want to add it to your skincare routine.
A study published in 2017 showed the anti-inflammatory effects of lemongrass essential oil on the skin. The study authors said, “This study provides the first evidence of the anti-inflammatory activity of LEO (lemongrass essential oil) in human skin cells and indicates that it is a good therapeutic candidate for treating inflammatory conditions of the skin”.
It has been theorized that inflammation in the body has a major role in the development of many chronic diseases. Consequently, any substance that has a strong anti-inflammatory effect may be useful for preventing a host of chronic conditions, including chronic skin conditions.
Lemongrass essential oil is one of the best essential oils to use for the skin. It can give you glowing skin because it has many properties that make it incredibly powerful for skin health.
It can be used for acne treatment because it has both antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties as mentioned. It also has astringent properties which can help tighten the skin. Unlike alcohol-based astringents, it does not dry out your skin. Lemongrass naturally controls sebum production to help prevent oily skin.
Lemongrass essential oil is also useful for the complexion. It contains a chemical constituent also found in lemon essential oil which can lighten the skin. However, unlike lemon essential oil the essential oil from lemongrass does not contain furocoumarins that make lemon essential oil potentially phototoxic. Phototoxicity is a risk from using almost all citrus oils on your skin. It can lead to severe burns from UV rays from the sun or a tanning bed if the skin is exposed within 12-24 hours after topical application. Lemongrass essential oil does not contain these substances. This makes it a better choice for skincare.
For minor wounds, lemongrass oil is a natural antiseptic. Mixed with a carrier oil, it can be applied to wounds to help speed healing and prevent infection. The anti-inflammatory properties also make it useful for wound healing. It also has natural analgesic properties which help relieve the pain of the wound.
For fungal infections, lemongrass has been found to be very effective. A study published in 2008 from Brazil found “It was observed very good effectiveness and broad-spectrum activity against Candida species”. You can use lemongrass oil to treat skin conditions such as ringworm and nail fungal infections at home without resorting to the use of chemical treatments.
Good For Your Hair
Lemongrass essential oil has also been shown to be good for your hair and to promote the health of your scalp. A study out of Thailand published in 2015 showed that a 10% solution of lemongrass essential oil was very effective as a dandruff treatment.
It can also help prevent oily hair in the same way for your scalp as it does for your face. By unclogging pores and removing excess sebum, it can help you deal with oily hair in a totally natural alternative way to shampoos containing chemicals.
The anti-inflammatory properties can help to treat the source of dandruff and dry, itchy scalp. And the fresh lemon scent will make your hair smell incredible as an added bonus.
As an astringent lemongrass oil can also strengthen your hair follicles and help to prevent hair loss.
Fights Cold & Flu
Diffusing lemongrass oil into the air can be beneficial in preventing the cold and flu virus. A study published in 2009 looked at the effects of essential oil vapors on several bacterial strains including some antibiotic-resistant strains like MRSA and VRE. The study tested a combination of geranium and lemongrass essential oils and found a significant reduction in bacteria.
Lemongrass can also reduce fever by promoting sweating and cooling the body.
Dental Health
A study published in 2017 found that lemongrass essential oil was effective against the bacteria that cause dental films that lead to cavities. The study noted, “The essential oil inhibited adhesion of caries-related polymicrobial biofilm to dental enamel. Citral significantly reduced the number of viable cells of streptococci biofilm”.
Helps With Anxiety
A study published in 2015 looked at whether inhalation of the aroma of lemongrass essential oil could reduce anxiety. The results showed that inhaling lemongrass oil aroma reduced anxiety in the test group over the control group.
The study would seem to suggest that inhaling the aroma of lemongrass before a stressful situation can help calm the response that produces anxiety.
May Help Lower Cholesterol
A study published in 2011 found that a dose of 100 mg/kg daily reduced cholesterol levels in mice. The study concluded, “our findings verified the safety of lemongrass intake at the doses used in folk medicine and indicated the beneficial effect of reducing the blood cholesterol level”.
Effective For Cleaning
The antibacterial properties of lemongrass essential oil make it an excellent choice for use in natural cleaning products. It has the same clean fresh scent as lemon essential oil, so it can be used in place of lemon essential oil in your homemade cleaning solutions. In my experience, the lemongrass essential oil scent actually remains longer than the scent of lemon essential oil.
It can also be used as a natural air freshener. This is especially advantageous because many commercial air fresheners contain substances known as phthalates. These substances are known to be especially harmful to children and can cause birth defects in unborn children.
The Natural Resources Defense Council states, “Phthalates are hormone-disrupting chemicals that can be particularly dangerous for young children and unborn babies. Exposure to phthalates can affect testosterone levels and lead to reproductive abnormalities, including abnormal genitalia and reduced sperm production. The State of California notes that five types of phthalates — including one that we found in air freshener products — are ‘known to cause birth defects or reproductive harm’.
Just think about that the next time you start to spray a commercial air freshener into the air in your home.
Lemongrass essential oil offers a wide range of benefits that make it a valuable addition to any aromatherapy routine. Throughout this article, we have explored the main subject of lemongrass essential oil and its numerous advantages. From its refreshing and uplifting aroma to its potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, lemongrass essential oil has demonstrated its effectiveness in promoting relaxation, relieving stress, and enhancing overall well-being. Its versatile nature allows it to be used in various applications, including diffusing, topical application, and massage therapy. Whether you seek a mood boost, improved digestion, or even insect-repellent properties, lemongrass essential oil stands out as a remarkable option. Harnessing the power of nature, this aromatic oil has proven to be a valuable asset in promoting a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
Be sure and check out our list of articles for more great info on aromatherapy and essential oils.
Q: What is lemongrass essential oil used for?
A: It is used for various purposes, including aromatherapy, relaxation, stress relief, as well as for its potential antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Q: Does lemongrass oil repel bugs?
A: Yes, it has insect-repellent properties, making it an effective natural option to keep bugs at bay.
Q: What bugs does lemongrass essential oil repel?
A: It is known to repel mosquitoes, flies, ants, ticks, and other biting insects.
Q: Can I use lemongrass essential oil before bed?
A: Yes, you can use it before bed. Its soothing aroma can help promote relaxation and create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep.
Q: Does lemongrass essential oil give you energy?
A: It is often used for its uplifting and invigorating properties, which can help boost energy levels and promote mental alertness.
Q: Is there a difference between lemongrass oil and lemongrass essential oil?
A: “Lemongrass oil” and “lemongrass essential oil” are essentially the same thing. The term “essential oil” refers to the concentrated aromatic oil extracted from the lemongrass plant.
Q: What are the top benefits of lemongrass?
A: The top benefits include its ability to promote relaxation, relieve stress, repel insects, alleviate muscle pain, support digestion, boost energy, and potentially provide antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Q: Is lemongrass essential oil good for the skin?
A: Yes, it can be beneficial for the skin. Its antimicrobial properties may help combat acne and other skin infections, while its astringent qualities can help tone and balance oily skin.
Q: What does lemongrass essential oil do for skin and hair?
A: It can help cleanse and refresh the skin, promote a healthy scalp, and potentially stimulate hair growth. It is often used in skincare and hair care products.
Q: Does lemongrass oil clog pores?
A: No, it is generally not known to clog pores. However, it is important to dilute it properly before applying it to the skin, especially for individuals with sensitive or acne-prone skin.
Q: Does lemongrass tighten skin?
A: It has astringent properties that may help tone and tighten the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.
Q: What makes lemongrass antimicrobial?
A: It contains compounds such as citral and geraniol, which have been found to possess antimicrobial properties. These components contribute to the antimicrobial effects of lemongrass essential oil.
Q: Does lemongrass essential oil help with infection?
A: It has shown potential antimicrobial properties, which may help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi. However, it should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment in case of an infection.