Clean a Shower Naturally

This video shows an easy method to clean a shower using only baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. When you clean a shower using natural products you can save money while helping the environment. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are green products that are natural and totally biodegradable.

Why You Don’t Use Vinegar And Baking Soda Together

I have seen it suggested online in several places that you should use vinegar and baking soda as cleaning agents. I saw it mentioned that the reaction releases “scrubbing bubbles”. However, you should NEVER use the two together.

No, it isn’t dangerous, just not effective. A trip down memory lane to high school chemistry class is in order here. Don’t worry, it’s not gonna be long or boring so just hang with me here. Adding baking soda to vinegar causes the solution to bubble up. That bubbling is the release of CO2 from the baking soda. What you are left with is a weak salt solution of water and sodium acetate. This isn’t helpful for cleaning at all. You can see this in action in this video.

Use Baking Soda And Hydrogen Peroxide Instead

In the video, we sprinkle baking soda in the shower first. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that won’t scratch surfaces but will help remove soap scum and stains.

Next, we use a spray bottle to spray hydrogen peroxide over the baking soda to wet it. Hydrogen peroxide also has a mild bleaching action that helps to clean stains.

When the two are mixed together you get a mild abrasive and bleaching paste that has a one-two punch of cleaning actions. This isn’t just useful to clean a shower. This paste is useful for cleaning many things around the house in the kitchen and bath.

Why Clean a Shower With Natural Products?

When we are working to live simpler and greener, cleaning using natural products makes sense. It allows you to save money while protecting the environment by using totally biodegradable products.

You can clean a shower using natural products you already have and use in your home. This makes financial sense because you can pull them from the cupboard and use them as needed. No need to buy expensive and toxic cleaning sprays. You have the added benefit of not using harsh chemicals that can have a long-term impact on the health of you and your family.

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