Is it possible to use aromatherapy for insomnia? The primary purpose of aromatherapy is to produce an odor that induces an effect on the human body and mind. The scents can work on the physical body as well as the conscious and subconscious minds. Different aromatherapy scents can have different effects depending on the essential oils used. In addition, a combination of oils can have enhanced effects depending on the oils and the purpose of the blend being used. Different smells can stimulate the brain and evoke feelings that are then associated with that smell. Aromatherapy can be used for mental and emotional well-being, as well as many other purposes. Essential oils can be used to relax or stimulate a person, depending on the oils used.
Aromatherapy essential oils come packaged in amber or blue bottles to prevent light from spoiling the oils. These oils are extracted from plants, so they can spoil if not used in a reasonable amount of time or if left exposed to direct sunlight.
Aromatherapy essential oils can be used in many ways. Some of these include placing a few drops in your bathwater, the oils can be used for body massage, or you can place a few drops on a cloth and place the cloth in your pillow at night. Chamomile is a bit more versatile as you can drink it in the form of tea or use the oils in a diffuser. Chamomile can be used alone or in a blend in the diffuser as a way to use aromatherapy for insomnia.
There are a number of recipes for mixing essential oils as aromatherapy for insomnia treatment. In my research, I found many recipes online. One thing I found in common was that all the recipes cautioned that each person responds differently to some essential oils, so the blend that works for one person may not work for you. In this regard, almost all the sites I visited said the best advice was to try a recipe for a few nights at least. If the recipe wasn’t working for you then you should try a different recipe until you find one that works. However, there are certain essential oils like lavender and chamomile that are exclusively associated with relaxation, so they may be good for sleep simply by themselves.
Aromatherapy candles are available as well if you don’t want the expense and trouble of purchasing and mixing your own essential oils. The stories about whether they work as well as the raw essential oils are mixed. Your results may vary, but if you are set against using the raw essential oils then this may be a viable option for you. If you use the candles while you take a relaxing bath before bedtime they may have a more pronounced effect than burning the candles alone. The other drawback with candles is that having open flames burning while you are asleep is not as safe as leaving a diffuser to run while you are asleep. The reason I mention this is that many of the sites I visited for research say that if you have trouble staying asleep or getting back to sleep you can leave the diffuser going while you sleep, and it may help with those issues.
Aromatherapy is a natural way to fight insomnia. Several essential oils have been shown to help with relaxation and sleep. In addition to aromatherapy for insomnia, you can add meditation or yoga before sleep to help with relaxation. Besides helping with insomnia, meditation or yoga can lead you to a more healthy life in general.
Aromatherapy provides a natural way to deal with insomnia, relaxation, anxiety, and many other nonmedical diagnoses. Aromatherapy essential oils come from natural plants, and they are available without a prescription. They also don’t have the side effects that most over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids can have. The only thing you need to be aware of is that you should test for allergies to the essential oils you plan to use before using them topically or in a diffuser.
It seems that the most popular aromatherapy oil used today is Lavender. Many people like Lavender because they can grow it in their own backyard. Lavender can also be used for digestive issues as well as being used as an effective anti-depressant. Lavender calms the nerves, relaxes the body, and promotes sleep.
Chamomile is also very popular because it has many of the same properties. Chamomile is one of the few aromatherapy oils that are also available as a tea. Many people swear that a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime helps them to get to sleep and stay asleep.
Sometimes the everyday stresses of life such as work, family or marriage problems, death or illness, or many other things can affect our ability to get a good night’s rest. Aromatherapy for insomnia may be just what you need to get your rest, so you are ready for the day. Try a combination of aromatherapy oils found in recipes online to see if they are just what you need to avoid harsh chemical sleep aids.