Almond Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe


Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $16.00.


almond mushroom liquid culture

Introducing the Liquid Fungi Almond Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe – the key to unlocking a bountiful harvest of exquisite almond mushrooms. They can be grown inside a greenhouse or other structure in bags, or grow them outdoors during the summer months. This liquid culture syringe contains 10 ml of liquid culture guaranteed to be free from contamination.

The Almond Mushroom, scientifically known as Agaricus subrufescens, is a unique and flavorful variety that stands out in the world of gourmet fungi. With a delicate almond aroma and a mild, nutty taste, these mushrooms add a distinctive touch to culinary creations. This liquid culture syringe is the perfect starting point for cultivating these delectable fungi, ensuring a seamless and successful growth journey.

To cultivate the Almond Mushroom, a substrate of enriched compost or a blend of straw and manure is ideal. This adaptable fungus thrives in a temperature range of 70-75°F (21-24°C) and requires a humidity level of 90-95% for optimal growth. They are cold-sensitive and will not produce unless temperatures remain above 50° F. The liquid culture syringe simplifies the inoculation process, providing a ready-made solution of mycelium that jumpstarts the colonization of your chosen substrate.

almond mushroom liquid culture syringe

This syringe is designed for user-friendly application, allowing you to inject the liquid culture directly into your prepared growing medium. The mycelium will quickly colonize, forming a robust network that sets the stage for abundant fruiting bodies. Whether you’re a seasoned cultivator or a first-time grower, the Liquid Fungi Almond Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe is your ticket to a rewarding and flavorful harvest.

Join the growing community of mushroom enthusiasts who have unlocked the secrets of cultivating the Almond Mushroom. Elevate your culinary experiences with home-grown, organic Almond Mushrooms.

This is a tropical mushroom that can be grown outdoors during the summer months in most of North America. It is perfect for intercropping with many garden vegetables, such as tomatoes. You can add Almond mushroom spawn to mulch around your plants and let the plants and fungi complement each other. The fungal mycelium releases CO2 during growth, which your healthy plants need, while the plants expire O2, which is necessary for the fungal mycelium.

Be sure and check out all of the liquid culture syringes from our friends at Liquid Fungi.
Be sure and view all our mushroom-growing supplies.

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