Top 10 Essential Oil Tips

essential oil tips

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of essential oils and take your aromatic adventures to the next level? Well, hold on tight because we’ve got the Top 10 essential oil tips that will make your senses tingle with delight! From clever hacks to surprising applications, we’ve gathered the crème de la crème of essential oil wisdom just for you. So, get ready to elevate your aromatherapy game and discover the ultimate essential oil tips that will leave you saying, “Why didn’t I know this before?” Let’s dive in!

When you first discover aromatherapy it may be exciting to rush right out and buy a bunch of essential oils.  You may be fascinated by essential oils and can’t wait to get your hands on them and try them out. However, below are a few essential oil tips that can help you get into aromatherapy easily and safely. Using these tips will save you a lot of aggravation and maybe some money too. A few may even prevent you from doing harm to yourself by using the essential oils improperly. Read on and find out my top 10 essential oil tips.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tips

1. Buy One or Two Aromatherapy Books

Buy or download one or two aromatherapy books to keep on hand and start your library. Choose books that are general resources that cover some basic information. This will help you discover the areas in which you have the most interest. As you decide where your interests lie you can look up or download more in-depth books on particular essential oils and their uses.

2. Join Aromatherapy Discussion Forums

Forums can be great resources when you are just starting out with aromatherapy. You can search for a discussion on your interests, or ask questions. This allows you to learn from others as you learn. Many forums may have topics already on essential oil tips you can read through. Many forums are moderated by experts who are happy to help you on your road to discovering the joys of aromatherapy.

3. Do Some Research on the Internet

For most people, this will be their first avenue of research. It’s nice to have a few books on hand or on your favorite reader so you can read them when you are away from home. But most beginners start with aromatherapy by doing research on the internet. Do be careful when reading sources on the internet, and be skeptical of wild claims made. If it sounds too good to be true then it most definitely is. The information offered by a manufacturer or affiliate seller may not be as trustworthy as information offered by a more objective source. That’s not to say all these sources are bad, it simply means to be alert and do your homework.

4. Choose Five or Ten Essential Oils to Start

You may be tempted to go all out and buy every essential oil you can lay your hands on. That is probably not the best option for beginners. My essential oil tip would be to start with a total of no more than 5 to 10 essential oils and then add more if you feel you need to. As you get more experienced with using essential oils you’ll learn which ones you are partial to and that work for you and your purposes. Essential oils can be rather expensive too, so that is another reason to start with only a few. That way you can prevent wasting money on essential oils you won’t use.

5. Make Sure to Buy 100%, Pure, Unadulterated Essential Oils

When you buy essential oils, choose a well-known and reputable manufacturer. Synthetic, fragrance and perfume oils are not essential oils. They contain man-made chemicals and have no aromatherapeutic value. Make sure you do your homework well on this one. You don’t want to purchase oils and find that they are man-made and basically useless for aromatherapy.

6. Buy at Least One Carrier Oil

For nearly all topical aromatherapy applications you will need to dilute essential oils into a carrier oil. Good all-purpose carrier oils include sweet almond oil, calendula oil, and jojoba oil. Buy cosmetic grade carrier oils, and use only a few drops of essential oil(s) per ounce of carrier oil. There are recipes that you can find that will help you blend your essential oils into a carrier oil for the best results.

7. Store Your Oils Properly

Essential oils should be stored only in dark glass containers. Since essential oils are volatile, keep the lids tightly closed. Essential oils and carrier oils should be stored away from heat and light. Carrier oils will go rancid eventually, so it’s best to buy smaller quantities. Many essential oils sets come in a wooden box to further keep them from being spoiled by sunlight.

8. Learn How to Do a Patch Test

Essential oils can cause adverse reactions, due to allergy or due to sensitization over time. A patch test helps to determine whether you might react to a particular essential oil. Learn how to perform a skin patch test on yourself with each new oil you want to use topically. Do the test and wait for 24 hours to ensure there is no reaction at the test site. Those that are allergy-prone should be diligent about doing this test.

To perform a patch test you need to dilute the essential oil you plan to use into a carrier oil at the proper dilution. Next, take a small amount and rub it into a spot on the inner forearm with your fingers. Leave the spot unwashed for 24 hours and note the results. If there is no reaction you can safely apply the oil diluted at the correct concentration. If redness or swelling, etc. develop you should not use the oil because you may have a sensitivity to it.

9. Don’t Use Aromatherapy with Children or Pets

Until you are thoroughly familiar with essential oils and associated safety issues, don’t use them on children or pets, or while pregnant or breastfeeding. Some oils may affect pregnant women because they can cause uterine contractions, which could cause issues. Cats, in particular, may be adversely affected by essential oils. Their liver may be unable to break down the oils as our liver does. Animals also lick their fur. If they have essential oils on the fur they can ingest the oils, which could be harmful. Make sure essential oils are kept out of reach of children. Many essential oils are toxic if taken internally. This is why safe storage is imperative.

10. Don’t Ingest Essential Oils

Though you will read conflicting information about taking essential oils internally, you should avoid doing this. Some essential oils that are fairly safe to use topically may be quite toxic if taken internally. In addition, some essential oils may interact with prescription or over-the-counter drugs. Never take essential oils internally unless advised to by a physician. Discuss your medications and possible medication interactions with your physician prior to using essential oils.


These Top 10 essential oil tips are the holy grail of aromatic wisdom. As you experiment with and learn more about aromatherapy, you will become more confident using essential oils. These essential oil tips will help you avoid many pitfalls that can occur for new aromatherapy users. Whether you’re seeking natural remedies, DIY beauty products, or simply a delightful sensory experience, these tips will guide you on your aromatic journey. So, go forth and explore the magical world of essential oils with confidence and creativity. Embrace the transformative power of these precious oils and let their scents and benefits enhance your well-being. There is so much to explore, so be safe and have fun!

Be sure and check out our list of articles for more great info on aromatherapy and essential oils.


Q: What is the best way to learn about aromatherapy?
A: The best way to learn about aromatherapy is through comprehensive education and training programs offered by reputable institutions or certified aromatherapists. These programs provide in-depth knowledge about essential oils, their properties, safe usage guidelines, and various application methods.

Q: What is the best book guide for essential oils?
A: There are several excellent books available on essential oils, but a popular and highly recommended guide is “The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy” by Valerie Ann Worwood. It offers valuable information on essential oils, their therapeutic benefits, and practical uses.

Q: What essential oils are good for a beginner?
A: For beginners, it is advisable to start with versatile and gentle essential oils such as lavender, lemon, peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus. These oils are widely used, have a range of benefits, and are generally considered safe for beginners when properly diluted and used as directed.

Q: Are there discussion forums about essential oils?
A: Yes, there are various online discussion forums and communities dedicated to essential oils. These platforms provide a space for enthusiasts and experts to share knowledge, experiences, and practical tips related to essential oils. Participating in these forums can be a great way to learn and connect with like-minded individuals.

Q: Can you research essential oils on the internet?
A: Yes, the internet is a valuable resource for researching essential oils. However, it is important to ensure that the information comes from reputable sources such as scientific journals, trusted aromatherapy organizations, or reliable websites run by certified aromatherapists. Be cautious of anecdotal claims or unverified information.

Q: How many different essential oils are good to start for beginners?
A: It is recommended for beginners to start with a small selection of essential oils, typically around 3 to 5 different oils. This allows you to familiarize yourself with their properties, uses, and potential effects. As you gain experience and confidence, you can gradually expand your collection.

Q: How do I ensure I am not buying an adulterated essential oil?
A: To ensure you are purchasing high-quality essential oils, look for reputable brands that provide detailed information about their sourcing, production methods, and third-party testing. Check for certifications or affiliations with respected aromatherapy organizations. Additionally, familiarize yourself with common adulteration practices and be wary of unusually low prices or suspicious claims.

Q: Why do I need a carrier oil to use with essential oils?
A: Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils before topical application. They help reduce the risk of skin irritation and provide a medium for the even distribution of essential oils. Carrier oils also help “carry” the essential oils into the skin, allowing them to be absorbed effectively.

Q: How do you store essential oils properly?
A: Essential oils should be stored in dark glass bottles, tightly sealed, and kept in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture. This helps preserve their potency and extends their shelf life. It is also important to label the bottles with the name of the oil and the date of purchase.

Q: How do you do a “patch test” with essential oils?
A: To perform a patch test, dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil, apply a small amount to a patch of skin (such as the inner forearm), and cover it with a bandage. Leave it on for 24 hours and observe for any signs of irritation or adverse reactions. If no irritation occurs, the oil is likely safe for use on the skin.

Q: Why shouldn’t you ingest essential oils?
A: Ingesting essential oils can be dangerous and is generally not recommended unless under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Essential oils are highly concentrated and can cause irritation, digestive issues, or even toxicity when ingested improperly. It is safer to enjoy the aromatic and topical benefits of essential oils.

Q: Why shouldn’t you use essential oils with children and pets?
A: Children and pets are more sensitive to the effects of essential oils, and certain oils can be toxic or irritating to them. It is crucial to use caution and consult with a healthcare professional or a veterinarian before using essential oils on or around children and pets. Special dilution ratios and specific oils suitable for their age and species should be followed.