Bergamot Essential Oil Benefits

Bergamot essential oil

Are you tired of starting your mornings like a sloth on vacation, desperately seeking a burst of energy? Well, folks, it’s time to welcome Bergamot Essential Oil into your life like a superhero swooping in to save the day! Packed with citrusy goodness and a zing that could wake Sleeping Beauty from her slumber, this magical oil offers a treasure trove of benefits for your mind, body, and soul. Get ready to embark on an aromatic adventure, as we explore the wonders of Bergamot Essential Oil!

Where Does Bergamot Essential Oil Come From?

Bergamot essential oil, renowned for its enchanting fragrance and versatile applications, originates from the rinds of the Citrus bergamia fruit. This small citrus tree flourishes in the sun-kissed regions of southern Italy, where the Mediterranean climate and fertile soil provide optimal conditions for its growth. With its glossy green leaves and clusters of fragrant blossoms, the Citrus bergamia tree stands as a testament to nature’s beauty.

The process of obtaining bergamot essential oil begins with carefully harvesting the ripe fruits. These fruits, resembling miniature oranges, boast a vibrant hue that hints at the aromatic treasures within. Skilled hands gently pluck them from the branches, ensuring they are at the peak of their ripeness, when their essential oil content is highest.

Once harvested, the fruits undergo a meticulous extraction process known as cold pressing. This method involves carefully separating the aromatic rinds from the pulp, as it is within these rinds that the true essence of bergamot lies. The rinds are then subjected to gentle pressure, allowing the aromatic oil to be released while preserving its potent therapeutic properties.

The resulting bergamot essential oil is a fragrant masterpiece, encapsulating the citrusy notes and vibrant energy of the fruit. Its aroma is often described as a harmonious blend of sweet, floral, and slightly tangy undertones, creating a captivating scent that can uplift the spirits and transport the mind to serene landscapes.

Due to its exquisite fragrance and versatile nature, bergamot essential oil has found its place in various applications. It is a cherished ingredient in the realm of aromatherapy, where its invigorating scent is believed to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, and uplift mood. Additionally, it is used in perfumery, imparting a refreshing and distinctive note to countless fragrances. In the culinary world, bergamot oil adds a delightful twist to beverages and desserts, infusing them with its unique citrusy flavor.

From the sun-drenched groves of southern Italy to the bottles that line the shelves of aromatherapy enthusiasts worldwide, bergamot essential oil stands as a testament to both nature’s generosity and humanity’s appreciation for its gifts. So, the next time you enjoy the refreshing scent of bergamot, take a moment to appreciate the journey it has undertaken from the tree to your senses, carrying with it the essence of vitality and serenity.

The oil is what gives Earl Grey Tea its unique flavor (source).

Chemical Composition of Bergamot Essential Oil

The chemical composition of this oil includes alpha-pinene, alpha bergapten, alpha-terpineol, limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, nerol, neryl acetate, beta bisabolene, geraniol, geraniol acetate, and myrcene (source).

One of the primary constituents is limonene, a powerful monoterpene known for its uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities. Limonene gives bergamot oil its citrusy scent and acts as a natural cleanser for both the body and the environment.

Another significant component found in bergamot oil is linalyl acetate, an ester that imparts floral notes to the oil. Linalyl acetate is known for promoting relaxation and a sense of calm, making bergamot oil an ideal choice for reducing stress and anxiety.

Linalool, a terpene alcohol, is also present in bergamot oil. It possesses sedative properties that can help soothe the mind and support restful sleep. This compound contributes to the overall calming effect of bergamot essential oil.

Bergamot oil contains various other compounds such as alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, and gamma-terpinene. These compounds contribute to the oil’s aromatic profile and further enhance its therapeutic potential.

When used synergistically, these diverse constituents offer a wide range of benefits. Bergamot essential oil can help relieve stress, promote emotional balance, and rejuvenate the skin. It has found applications in aromatherapy, skincare, and relaxation techniques.

However, it is crucial to exercise caution when using bergamot essential oil topically. The oil is photosensitive and can cause skin reactions when exposed to sunlight or UV rays. To avoid any adverse effects, it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight or tanning beds for at least 12 hours after applying bergamot oil to the skin.

Can Help Relieve Symptoms of Depression

Bergamot essential oil can be a valuable aid in relieving symptoms of depression. The oil’s aromatic compounds work synergistically to promote emotional balance and support a positive mindset. One of the key mechanisms through which bergamot oil exerts its effects is by stimulating the release of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, in the brain. These neurotransmitters play crucial roles in regulating mood, emotions, and overall well-being. By enhancing their availability, bergamot oil can help alleviate feelings of sadness, anxiety, and low mood.

Bergamot essential oil possesses anxiolytic properties, meaning it can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. Anxiety often accompanies depression, and by addressing both conditions simultaneously, bergamot oil can offer holistic support. Inhaling the aroma of bergamot oil through diffusion or inhalation can create a soothing and uplifting atmosphere, helping to alleviate emotional distress and promote a more positive mindset.

Bergamot oil’s stress-reducing properties can be beneficial for individuals experiencing depression. Chronic stress can exacerbate depressive symptoms, and bergamot oil has been shown to have stress-reducing effects. By inhaling or applying diluted bergamot oil topically, individuals may experience a reduction in stress levels, leading to a greater sense of well-being and potentially alleviating depressive symptoms.


Bergamot essential oil possesses notable antimicrobial properties that make it a valuable addition to your natural health arsenal. This oil has been found to exhibit broad-spectrum activity against various microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

One of the key components responsible for bergamot oil’s antimicrobial effects is its high content of limonene. Limonene acts as a natural solvent and disrupts the cell membranes of microorganisms, inhibiting their growth and promoting their elimination. This property makes bergamot oil particularly effective against bacteria, including common strains such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

Bergamot oil demonstrates antifungal activity, which can help combat fungal infections. Research has shown its efficacy against Candida species, which are responsible for various types of yeast infections. By inhibiting the growth of these fungi, bergamot oil can provide relief and support the healing process.

Bergamot essential oil exhibits antiviral properties, making it potentially beneficial in fighting viral infections. Studies have shown its effectiveness against certain strains of herpes simplex virus and influenza virus. While it may not serve as a cure, bergamot oil’s antiviral activity can contribute to reducing viral load and supporting the body’s natural defenses.

To utilize the antimicrobial properties of bergamot oil, it can be diffused into the air using an essential oil diffuser or applied topically when properly diluted in a carrier oil. Inhalation allows the aromatic compounds to reach the respiratory system, while topical application provides a direct defense against microbial growth on the skin.

Helps With Digestion

Bergamot essential oil possesses properties that can help aid in digestion and support a healthy gastrointestinal system. The oil’s natural compounds work in harmony to promote digestive processes and provide relief from common digestive discomforts.

One of the key ways bergamot oil can assist digestion is through its carminative properties. Carminatives help to soothe and relax the digestive system, reducing bloating, gas, and cramping. By inhaling the aroma of bergamot oil or applying it topically in a diluted form to the abdomen, individuals may experience relief from these discomforts.

Furthermore, bergamot oil has been found to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes. Enzymes are essential for breaking down food and facilitating nutrient absorption. By enhancing enzyme activity, bergamot oil can support efficient digestion and nutrient utilization, promoting overall digestive health.

Bergamot essential oil also exhibits antimicrobial properties that can combat harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. This can help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal infections or imbalances.

In addition to its physical effects, bergamot oil can also have a positive impact on mood and stress levels, which can indirectly influence digestion. Stress and anxiety can disrupt the digestive process and contribute to symptoms such as indigestion or acid reflux. The uplifting and calming aroma of bergamot oil can help alleviate stress, promoting a relaxed state that benefits digestion.

To utilize the benefits of bergamot essential oil for digestion, it can be diffused into the air using an essential oil diffuser or applied topically when properly diluted in a carrier oil. Inhaling the aroma can help stimulate the senses and promote relaxation, while topical application to the abdominal area can provide a soothing effect.

May Help Lower Blood Sugar

One of the key components of bergamot oil that contributes to its potential blood sugar-lowering effects is a group of flavonoids known as neoeriocitrin, naringin, and neohesperidin. These flavonoids have been found to exhibit antidiabetic properties by enhancing insulin sensitivity and reducing insulin resistance. Improved insulin sensitivity allows for more efficient glucose uptake by cells, leading to better blood sugar control.

Furthermore, bergamot oil may help regulate blood sugar levels by inhibiting certain enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Studies have shown that bergamot oil can suppress the activity of alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down complex carbohydrates into glucose. By slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, bergamot oil may help prevent sharp spikes in blood sugar levels after meals.

In addition to its direct effects on blood sugar regulation, bergamot essential oil can also indirectly impact metabolic health. The oil’s aromatic compounds have been found to possess stress-reducing and mood-enhancing properties. Chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to imbalances in blood sugar levels through the release of stress hormones. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, bergamot oil can potentially support healthier blood sugar management.

May Be Used For Pain Relief

One of the key ways bergamot oil can help alleviate pain is through its analgesic properties. It contains compounds such as linalool and limonene, which have been shown to exhibit pain-relieving effects. These compounds interact with receptors in the nervous system, potentially reducing the perception of pain.

Bergamot essential oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and swelling, contributing to pain relief. Inflammation is often associated with pain, and by addressing the underlying inflammatory processes, bergamot oil may provide relief for conditions such as arthritis, muscle soreness, or joint discomfort.

Bergamot oil’s uplifting aroma can help enhance mood and promote relaxation, indirectly aiding in pain management. Chronic pain can lead to emotional distress and stress, which can exacerbate the perception of pain. By creating a calming and positive environment, bergamot oil can help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of well-being, potentially alleviating the overall experience of pain.

Bergamot Essential Oil for Relaxation

Bergamot oil’s composition includes natural compounds such as linalool and limonene, which have been shown to possess mood-enhancing properties. Inhaling the aroma of bergamot oil can stimulate the release of certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which is associated with feelings of well-being and relaxation. This aromatic experience can help reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting a sense of tranquility.

The sedative effects of bergamot oil on the central nervous system are noteworthy. Its calming properties can help induce relaxation, relieve restlessness, and support quality sleep. Diffusing bergamot oil in the evening or incorporating it into a bedtime routine can contribute to a more peaceful and restful sleep experience.

In addition to its direct impact on mood and relaxation, bergamot oil can also help alleviate physical tension and discomfort. The soothing properties of the oil can be beneficial for individuals experiencing muscle tightness or stiffness. Diluting bergamot oil in a carrier oil and applying it through gentle massage techniques can provide a calming and tension-relieving effect.

Relieves Congestion

One of the primary ways bergamot oil aids in relieving congestion is through its decongestant properties. The oil contains natural compounds, such as limonene and linalool, which have been shown to possess expectorant effects. Inhaling the aroma of bergamot oil can help loosen mucus and phlegm, facilitating their expulsion and providing relief from nasal congestion.

Moreover, bergamot oil exhibits antibacterial and antiviral properties, which can be beneficial when dealing with congestion caused by respiratory infections. These properties can help combat the underlying pathogens responsible for the congestion, supporting the body’s natural healing processes.

Fever Reducer

One of the primary ways bergamot oil aids in reducing fever is through its febrifuge properties. The oil contains natural compounds, including linalool and limonene, which have been shown to exhibit cooling and soothing effects. When applied topically, bergamot oil can create a cooling sensation on the skin, helping to lower body temperature and alleviate fever symptoms.

Additionally, bergamot oil’s antimicrobial properties can be beneficial in managing fever caused by infections. The oil’s compounds have been found to possess antibacterial and antiviral effects, which can help combat the underlying pathogens contributing to fever. By supporting the body’s immune system and fighting off infection, bergamot oil can assist in reducing fever and promoting recovery.

Uses For Skin Care

One of the primary benefits of bergamot oil for skin care is its antibacterial properties. The oil contains natural compounds, such as limonene and linalool, which exhibit antimicrobial effects. These properties make bergamot oil effective in combating bacteria contributing to acne and other skin irritations. Applying diluted bergamot oil topically can help cleanse the skin and promote a clearer complexion.

Furthermore, bergamot oil’s astringent properties make it helpful in toning and tightening the skin. It can help regulate sebum production, reducing excess oiliness and minimizing the appearance of pores. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with oily or acne-prone skin.

Bergamot oil also possesses skin-soothing properties that can help alleviate inflammation and irritation. It can be used to calm skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis, providing relief from itching and redness.

In addition, bergamot essential oil can contribute to a more radiant and youthful-looking complexion. Its antioxidant properties help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. Regular use of bergamot oil in skincare routines can support a healthier, more vibrant skin appearance.

To incorporate bergamot essential oil into your skincare regimen, it is essential to dilute it properly in a carrier oil, such as jojoba, coconut, or almond oil, before applying it to the skin.

Use as a Natural Deodorant

One of the primary benefits of using bergamot oil as a natural deodorant is its antimicrobial properties. The oil contains natural compounds, such as limonene, which exhibit antimicrobial effects. These properties help combat the bacteria that contribute to body odor, keeping unpleasant smells at bay.

Furthermore, bergamot oil’s pleasant aroma serves as an effective natural fragrance that can help mask body odor. Its citrusy scent provides a refreshing and uplifting fragrance that leaves a clean and revitalizing impression.

In addition to its odor-fighting capabilities, bergamot essential oil can also help regulate perspiration. Although it is not an antiperspirant in the traditional sense, bergamot oil can help control excessive sweating by balancing the activity of sweat glands. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who prefer a more natural approach to managing perspiration.


Bergamot essential oil is a versatile and beneficial tool in the world of aromatherapy and natural remedies. Its unique properties, including mood enhancement, relaxation support, congestion relief, skincare benefits, and use as a natural deodorant, make it a valuable addition to any wellness routine. Whether diffused, applied topically, or incorporated into various products, bergamot oil offers a refreshing citrus aroma and a range of potential therapeutic benefits. Remember to use bergamot oil safely by properly diluting it and conducting patch tests to ensure compatibility with your individual needs. Embrace the power of bergamot essential oil and unlock its numerous uses for improved well-being.

Be sure and check out our list of articles for more great info on aromatherapy and essential oils.


Q: What is bergamot essential oil used for?
A: Bergamot essential oil is commonly used for various purposes, including mood enhancement, relaxation, skincare, congestion relief, and even as a natural deodorant. Its versatile nature makes it a valuable addition to aromatherapy and wellness routines.

Q: Who shouldn’t use bergamot essential oil?
A: Individuals with sensitive skin or allergies to citrus fruits should exercise caution when using bergamot essential oil. It contains certain compounds that can cause photosensitivity, making the skin more susceptible to sunburn. Pregnant or nursing women and children should consult a healthcare professional before using bergamot oil.

Q: What does the scent of bergamot do for you?
A: The scent of bergamot essential oil has uplifting and mood-enhancing effects. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and creates a sense of well-being. The citrusy aroma of bergamot oil can help invigorate the senses and provide a refreshing and revitalizing experience.

Q: Does bergamot essential oil help the lungs?
A: Bergamot essential oil possesses expectorant properties that can help loosen mucus and phlegm, making it easier to clear the respiratory passages. It may provide relief from congestion and support respiratory comfort. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for specific respiratory concerns.

Q: Is bergamot essential oil anti-aging?
A: Bergamot essential oil contains antioxidant properties that can help protect the skin from free radicals, which contribute to premature aging. Its use in skincare routines may support a more youthful and radiant complexion. However, it is important to combine bergamot oil with a comprehensive skincare regimen for optimal results.

Q: What properties does bergamot have for the skin?
A: Bergamot essential oil possesses antibacterial, astringent, and soothing properties, which can be beneficial for the skin. It may help combat acne-causing bacteria, regulate sebum production, tighten the skin, and provide relief from inflammation and irritation. Diluted bergamot oil can be used topically in skincare routines to promote healthier skin.

Q: What does bergamot oil do spiritually?
A: In aromatherapy, bergamot oil is believed to have uplifting and purifying effects on the spirit. It is associated with promoting positivity, self-acceptance, and emotional balance. Many people find the aroma of bergamot oil soothing and use it to create a calming environment during meditation or spiritual practices.

Q: What does bergamot do for mental health?
A: Bergamot essential oil has been used to support mental health by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and uplifting mood. Its citrusy scent is often associated with boosting mood, easing stress, and providing a sense of calm. However, individual experiences may vary, and it is important to use bergamot oil as part of a holistic approach to mental well-being.

Q: How does bergamot oil make you feel?
A: Bergamot oil can evoke feelings of relaxation, positivity, and an overall sense of well-being. Its aroma has a refreshing and uplifting quality that can help alleviate stress, promote a calm state of mind, and enhance mood. However, personal experiences and responses to aromas may differ.

Q: Does bergamot help with anxiety?
A: Bergamot essential oil is often used to help reduce anxiety and stress levels. Its calming and mood-enhancing properties may help promote relaxation and a sense of tranquility. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional and consider individual sensitivities and preferences when using essential oils for anxiety.

Q: Can you use bergamot essential oil on armpits?
A: Yes, bergamot essential oil can be used as a natural deodorant by diluting it properly in a carrier oil and applying it to the armpits. However, it is essential to patch-test the diluted oil on a small area of skin before applying it to the entire underarm region to check for any potential skin sensitivities or irritations.

Q: Can you take bergamot essential oil internally?
A: It is generally not recommended to take bergamot essential oil internally without the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Essential oils are highly concentrated and can cause adverse effects when ingested inappropriately. It is best to use bergamot oil externally or consult with a professional experienced in aromatherapy for safe internal use, if applicable.